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October 25 2013 | ITALY

"The European position on immigration is right, but now the Government must intervene on Lampedusa".

Statement by President of the Community of Sant'Egidio Marco Impagliazzo. The reception centre in Lampedusa is collapsed again.

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"Europe's position on immigration is right, but now everyone has to do their own part. Starting with Italy, which must heal the open wound of Lampedusa”. So said the president of the Community of Sant'Egidio, Marco Impagliazzo, on the conclusions of the Brussels European Council "that has decided to tackle the issue of immigration by including on the European agenda the principle of solidarity and the sharing of the responsibilities with the most exposed countries, changing, where necessary, the legislations on asylum". "Some of the expectations of the vigil have been respected - said Marco Impagliazzo - and it is appreciable the solemn commitment so that tragedies like those that have mourned the Mediterranean in early October are not repeated. But now it is necessary to work to keep the promises without waiting for political expirations, such as the European elections of next spring, which might suggest further unacceptable delays".

"Only in the night between Thursday and Friday - said the president of the Community of Sant'Egidio - more than 700 people were aided at sea and landings in Lampedusa continued while the 28 Heads of State and Government were preparing their decisions in Brussels. This means that time constraints. If the principle of solidarity between the States and that of the equitable sharing of the responsibilities is an important acquisition, it is also true that the countries of first entry are immediately called into action. The reception centre in Lampedusa is once again collapsed and it is unthinkable that its guests may be maintained in the conditions they are today. The government must act promptly".

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