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Press Conference

Peace is Living Together: Religions and Cultures in Dialogue for Peace and Reconciliation in Mindanao

Notre Dame University, June 6th and 7th, 2014

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Manila, 27thMarch 2014 is an historic date. At the Malacañan Palace the Signing of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro took place: a firm step towards peace and full peace after so many years of conflict. But the peace will be authentic if it will be peace for all !

The inclusion of everyone is crucial, at a social and political level, majorities and minorities, but all with the right to be represented. In this context, it will be extremely significant that the Bangsamoro Parliament will be composed of Muslim, Christian, indigenous and independent members. This is to emphasize that Bangasamoro is not a Muslim autonomous entity, but consists of different ethnic and religious groups, for this purpose the Community of Sant'Egidio together with His Eminence Cardinal Orlando Quevedo, Archbishop of Cotabato, and in cooperation with the Muhammadiyah from Indonesia, decided to promote an International Conference in Cotabato:


Peace is Living Together
 Religions and Cultures in Dialogue
for Peace and Reconciliation in Mindanao

Cotabato, Notre Dame University, June 6th and 7th, 2014

The Conference on Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue for Peace, supported by the generous contribution of the European Union and the Italian Government, will host significant religious leaders, political representatives, people belonging to the local administrations, as well as personalities coming from the world of education and culture will take part in the meeting.

A number of international religious, political, social and cultural Organizations will take part in the debate of the meeting. The event aims to support the peace process and broaden participation in all realities, religious, civil and political of Mindanao.

The program of the event, the main participants and the aim of the initiative will be presented in detail, in Manila, during the


Press Conference
Tuesday 3 June at 11.00 am

EU Delegation

30/F Tower 2 RCBC Plaza
6819 Ayala Avenue - Makati City
tel. 63 28595100
[email protected]

Alberto Quattrucci
Secretary General P&R Community of Sant'Egidio
[email protected] - 63 917 3684303

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