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Münchner Kirchenzeitung

30 December 2015

Feier im Zelt

Weihnachtsmahl der Gemeinschaft Sant'Egidio

verzija za tisk

26 December 2017

Look at the world map enlightened by the Christmas lunches

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25 December 2017

Merry Christmas from the Community of Sant'Egidio!

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12 December 2017

The book "The Christmas Lunch" available online for free. DOWNLOAD! And prepare Christmas with the poor

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9 Oktober 2017

German President Steinmeier visits the Community of Sant'Egidio: ''make the world a peaceful place''

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13 September 2017

The complete video of the closing ceremony of Paths of Peace 2017

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18 Julij 2017

Berlin's youth message to Europe: No More Walls

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vse novice
25 Februar 2018

"Gräben zuschütten"

25 Februar 2018

Kardinal Marx fordert mehr Engagement für Einheit der Menschen

25 Februar 2018

„Gräben zuschütten, Spaltungen überwinden“

24 Februar 2018

Im Dienst der karitativen Arbeit

2 Januar 2018
Il Messaggero - ed. Civitavecchia

La comunità di Sant'Egidio offre il pranzo ai detenuti

29 December 2017
La Stampa

Sant’Egidio e il pranzo della serenità nel carcere

vse izjave za javnost

''Il segreto del Natale è la filantropia di Dio'': l'omelia di Paolo Ricca a Santa Maria in Trastevere (22/12/2015)

Per un mondo senza razzismo – per un mondo senza violenza

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