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Вересень 11 2011

BXVI: Peace, a mandate as a well as a gift

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Pope Benedict 16th on Sunday again spoke of the need to work for peace in this world that is rocked by terrible acts of violence and terrorism, acts that repeatedly suffocate hopes for the peaceful cohabitation of the human family. 

As Linda Bordoni reports, the Pope’s words came in a message to participants of a meeting organised by the Community of Sant’Egidio entitled “Bound to live together”.
At the core of Pope Benedict’s message is the firm belief that peace is a gift from God, and at the same time, it is also a human project to be worked upon.
To the men and women of the world's great religions convened by the Community of Sant'Egidio and the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising for the 3-day meeting, “Bound to live together”, the Pope said that peace is a permanent mandate entrusted to us as well as a gift to be invoked. 
And the Pope recalled the fact that in a few weeks we mark the 25th anniversary of the historic meeting of prayer for peace convened by the Blessed John Paul II with representatives of different world religions in Assisi. 
After this memorable event, the Pope said, every year the Community of Sant'Egidio organises a meeting for peace and reconciliation to pray to God to transform us into people of peace.
And he mentioned his delight that this year’s meeting takes place in Munich, the city of which he was bishop, on the eve of his trip to Germany, as well as in preparation for the ceremony in memory of that World Day of Prayer for Peace in Assisi, which will take place in October.
The title of the meeting – Pope Benedict said – reminds us that we humans are destined to live together, not next to each other, but with each other. It is therefore our duty – he continued – to be open to each other, and whilst once this could have been a regional reality, cohabitation today is between the whole of humanity. Let us remember – Benedict said – that Christ has announced peace to the far and near, and that God desires that we form one family, in which we are all brothers and sisters.

Серпень 24 2015

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