Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Anno 1 - Numero 1 - 09/28/2001




We are living in a difficult time. The tragic images from New York are the icon of a tragedy that has wounded the American People (it was also hit in Washington) and also the whole world.
This first Newsletter is issued shortly after this event that has left the world stunned, terrified by so much violence and concerned for the future.

The memory of the International Meeting �On the frontiers of Dialogue� that was held in Barcelona from the 2nd to the 4th of September encourages us, while we look at the future.
The days in Barcelona, in the framework of a great participation at all levels, where days of dense dialogue in harmony and sincerity. The religious and lay participants expressed, in their diversity a unanimous message of trust in dialogue or at least their commitment to exercise endless efforts to continue to dialogue, to talk, to meet.

In a world that is complex and pluralistic the way of dialogue is the main one to realize the art of coexistence. This is also why the Newsletter wants to be an instrument of dialogue in the framework of the numerous and different ways of dialogue and debate promoted by the Community of Sant�Egidio. We offer it in this very spirit and, while our thought goes to the future with hope and prayer, we are also concerned for the balance of the world after these days that left different from how it was.



09/21/01 - Matera (Italy) - The Freedom of the City to the Community of Sant'Egidio

09/20/01 - Rome - Press Conference on the Condition of the Elderly

09/20/01 - Genoa - In the Cathedral a commemorative plate of the Meeting "Chiese Sorelle, Popoli Fratelli" .

09/19/01 - Corriere della Sera - Interview to Andrea Riccardi after the Terrorist Attacks in the USA.

09/19/01 - Etchmiadzin (Armenia) - A delegation of the Community at the Celebrations for the Anniversary of the Evangelisation of Armenia

09/18/01 - Sarajevo (Bosnia) - A Meeting on Dialogue between Christian Churches and Islam

09/16/01 - Rome - The preaching of card. W.Kasper in Santa Maria in Trastevere



Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

09/27/01 - Turkey - Turkish MPs debate abolishing death penalty to boost EU bid- 24/09/01

09/22/01 - Maryland/USA - Federal Judge Overturns Maryland Death Row Inmate's Conviction - 20/09/01

09/16/01 - Uganda - Debate on Capital Punishment, after release of amn on death row� - 12/09/01

09/15/01 - Indiana/USA - Indiana Trial Court Rules Death Penalty Unconstitutional- 10/09/01

09/15/01 - USA - Executions Stayed in Ohio, Oklahoma, and Texas - 12/09/01

09/15/01 - Oklahoma/USA - Oklahoma Court Stays Execution of Mexican Gerardo Valdez - 10/09/01

Other issues

09/27/01 - European Union - EU: Suspects After Estradition Cannot Face Execution - 25/09/01

09/27/01 - USA - The Supreme Court to decide if mentally retarde should be spared the death penalty - 25/09/01

09/26/01 - China - Iron hand against members of Falun Gong - 25/09/01

09/24/01 - Congo - Congo's Boy Soldiers Face Death Penalty - 23/09/01�

09/24/01 - Texas/USA - Mom in Texas Child Drownings Found Fit for Trial - 22/09/01

09/22/01 - Texas/USA - Texas Legislators Urge Governor to Commute Juvenile Death Sentence - 20/09/01

09/20/01 - Texas/USA - James Knox was executed by lethal injection - 19/09/01

09/16/01 - Texas/USA - Jury To Determine Yates Competency� - 11/09/01

09/16/01 - Nevada/USA - Nevada man released after 20 years on death row faces new murder charge� - 11/09/01

09/16/01 - Pennsylvania/USA - Abu-Jamal team releases video of confessor� - 13/09/01�

09/16/01 - Congo - Death for 8 in 'closed trial'

09/16/01 - South Korea - According to a research report Korea executed 101 people between 1987-1997� - 12/09/01�

09/15/01 - China - China to use lethal injection - 14/09/01

09/15/01 - Arizona/USA - A writer of Italian origin, Richard Rossi, launches an appeal to the Italians from death row - 11/09/01

09/15/01 - USA - British Government To Challenge U.S. Use of the Death Penalty - 11/09/01

09/15/01 - USA - Death Penalty decline: Washington Post comments on drop of executions - 11/09/01



september 30, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Thanksgiving for the day of the Lord. Memory of Saint Jerome, doctor of the Church, who died in Bethlehem in 420. He translated the scripture into Latin. Prayer that the voice of the Gospel be heard in every language.

october 1, Monday: Memory of the Poor
Memory of Saint Teresa de Lisieux, a Carmelite nun, poor in spirit, inspired by a deep sense of the Church�s mission. We remember all those who live in difficulty and suffering for the mission of the Gospel.

october 2, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord
Today marks the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). A harvest feast in which Israel sees in God the origin of all the good things of the earth, remembers the passage in the desert and the gift of the Torah (the Law).

october 3, Wednesday: Memory of the Church

october 4, Thursday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Feast day of St. Francis, a witness to the Gospel, and a man of peace and dialogue. We pray for the Church in Italy and all the Italian communities. Today we remember the foundation of the chapel of Primavalle, the first place of prayer of the Community in the outskirts of Rome. In 1992, in Rome, we saw the signing of the agreement that put an end to the war in Mozambique. We thank the Lord because he guides men in the way of peace, also when they cannot find it through strength. We pray that the peace in Mozambique will be strengthened and that hunger and violence will end.

october 5, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

october 6, Saturday: Sunday Vigil

october 7, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Thanksgiving for the day of the Lord.

october 8, Monday: Memory of the Poor

october 9, Tuesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Feast of Abraham, patriarch. In faith he headed for a land he did not know. For this faith he is the father of Christian, Muslim and Hebrew believers. Today is also the feast of Yom Kippur, day of atonement.

october 10, Wednesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

october 11, Thursday: Memory of the Church

october 12, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

october 13, Saturday: Sunday Vigil




  30/09/2001 07/10/2001
La Domenica con Ges� Il ricco Epulone e il povero Lazzaro La forza della fede
L'artista della settimana Roberto Russo: Oltre il Naif
Un'idea per.. Roma: Una passeggiata alle "Tre fontane"
Anche le foto parlano Alluvione in Mozambico Kosovo: Nonno e Nipote



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On the frontiers of dialogue

International Meeting Peoples and Religions



�Abbasso il Grigio�

Exhibition of Paintings



Guinea Bissau

An hospital for Africa



Karekin I
Che cos'� la felicit�?

Dialoghi di Giovanni Guaita con il Catholicos di Tutti gli Armeni




Suppression of the death penalty from the penal code



Third Millennium without Death Penalty

Round table in Barcellona during the International Meeting People and Religion



No matar�s

Por qu� es necesario abolir la pena de muerte




Some observations on the bill concerning the change of the D.Lgs. 286/1998 (Law on immigration)



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