Sant'Egidio Newsletter

Year 2 - Number 6 - 03/16/2002




The news we receive from Goma and the damages caused by the eruption of the volcano Nyiragongo are but one of the many painful events in today’s world. The aid of the Community as well as that of others may appear something insignificant versus events of such magnitude. However every aid is concrete and helpful, as we see from the experience of Goma, Bukavu and Bagira. The clothes coming from Belgium were able to “dress” a whole village 9 kilometres from Goma itself. It is only an example.

Concrete solidarity also demonstrates the desire not to forget those who suffer even if they are in far away countries. Action expand the culture of solidarity. This is the reason why on the web site we continue to report news on the various actions and initiatives. We cannot and we must not forget Africa, that Continent of wars and diseases on which general interest has become weak also because it is worth little on the international market

The African problems – it is enough to think about the situation of Congo – appear difficult, almost impossible to solve. To recall these problems also means to act and to ask the West to be attentive and to invest in energies and resources. It also means to show to our African friends both hope and commitment for the future.



12/03/02 - Madrid (Spanien) - Eucharistische Feier zum Jahrestag der Gemeinschaft Sant'Egidio

12/03/02 - Bissao (Guinea) - Abschluss des ersten Fortbildungskurses f�r die Krankenpfleger des Krankenhauses R.Follereau - Comunit� di Sant'Egidio

09/03/02 - Messina (Italien) - Eine Br�cke der Solidarit�t mit Afghanistan

08/03/02 - Pressemitteilung: Ein Friedensweg f�r den Mittleren Osten mit der Gemeinschaft Sant'Egidio

07/03/02 - Avvenire: Mit dem Dekalog f�r den Frieden von Assisi ist der Frieden zu einer gemeinsamen Aufgabe geworden

07/03/02 - Neuheit auf der Homepage: Das Gebet auf franz�sisch

07/03/02 - Genua (Italien) - Das Land des Regenbogens trifft einen �berlebenden der Shoah



The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

03/09/02 - Italy/Nigeria - Appeal of the Community of Sant'Egidio for Safiya.

Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

03/08/02 - Illinois/USA - Ryan Weighs Clemency for All on Illinois Death Row.

Other issues

03/14/02 - USA - Facing Life on the Outside After Death Row: Juan Roberto Melendez is at home.

03/14/02 - China - China expands use of lethal injection.

03/14/02 - Georgia/USA - An International Coalition of Death Penalty Opponents ask to stop the xecution of Tracy Housel.

03/13/02 - Nigeria - Mgr. Olubunmi Okogie, the Catholic Archbishop of the Lagos Archdiocese, has voluntarily offered to die in place of Safiya.

03/12/02 - Illinois/USA - “Time to bury death penalty”. The words of Ryan, at the end of his career of governor.

03/11/02 - Nigeria/European Union - In an appeal on the eve of International Women's Day, Council of Europe Secretary-General Walter Schwimmer urged Nigeria not to allow the stoning to death of Safiya.

03/11/02 - Georgia/USA - 'This place is absolute hell'”, said Tracy Housel, the British citizen whose execution is scheduled in some says. 

03/09/02 - Texas/USA - Texas Executes Man Who Claimed Innocence to the End. 

03/08/02 - Russia - Russians reply to Americans as to human rigth: start yourself to abolish death penalty.

03/08/02 - Texas/USA - The trial of Andrea Yates has revived the debate about mental illness and capital punishment.

03/07/02 - Taipei - The death penalty must be killed. Abolitionists speak out in Taipei.

03/07/02 - USA - Scalia vs. pope on death penalty.

03/07/02 - Missouri/USA - Jeffrey Tokar, 37, was executed.

03/06/02 - Brunei - It will be easier to hang drug offenders.

03/06/02 - Virginia/USA - Daniel gives up appeals. Execution date set for April 12.

03/06/02 - Georgia/USA - Great Britain - The British government has plunged into a campaign to spare the life of Tracy Lee Housel, a dual American-British citizen scheduled to be executed next month.

03/06/02 - Turkey - By the end of year 2002 Turkey will enter EU, if death penalty is abolished.

03/06/02 - Philippines - Former President Estrada said he is ready to accept death sentence.

03/05/02 - Florida/USA - The killers of a killer (the case of Frank Valdes).

03/05/02 - USA - The latest edition of NAACP Report :: “Death Row USA," Winter 2002”. The imates on death row now are 3,711, Reversing a trend of increasing death row populations since 1976.

03/05/02 - USA - Life in prison, not execution.Death penalty for mentally retarded killers should be declared cruel and unusual.

03/05/02 - China - Two men were executed in Beijing.

03/05/02 - Turkey - Ankara twists and turns over question of abolishing death penalty.

03/04/02 - Texas/USA - Rick Halperin, president of the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, spoke to the students: "This struggle is much bigger than just the death penalty, (…)

03/04/02 - Colorado/USA - “Frank Rodriguez (who has a very serious liver disease) will not be executed”, says the lawyer .

03/04/02 - Turkey - Today the decision on the case of Ocalan.

03/04/02 - Singapore - 2 Thais get death penalty for of drug pusher.

03/04/02 - Guatemala - Six men sentenced to death write to the Pope and ask for his intervention.

03/04/02 - California/USA - America, Incarcerated or Executed; Death penalty thrives in climate of fear (San Francisco Chronicle).

03/04/02 - USA - The Death Penalty Re-examined - America's death penalty system is badly broken (New York Times).

03/04/02 - Ohio/USA - State prison officials plan to dismantle Ohio's electric chair.

03/03/02 - USA - Death penalty - Put questionable system under moratorium.

03/03/02 - USA - Supreme Court weighs state's right to execute mentally.

03/03/02 - Illinois/USA - Candidate for Illinois Governor On Ending the Death Penalty.

03/02/02 - Italy - “Right to life and death penalty”, is the title of a conference organized by the University of Naples.

03/02/02 - Texas/USA - Monty Delk, 35, was executed despite insanity claim.



Sonntag, 17. M�rz: Liturgie des Sonntags
Gedenken an Joseph von Arimat�a, J�nger des Herrn, der „das Reich Gottes erwartete“

Montag, 18. M�rz: Gedenken an die Armen
Gedenken an den heiligen Kyrill, Bischof von Jerusalem. Gebet f�r Jerusalem und f�r den Frieden im Heiligen Land.

Dienstag, 19. M�rz: Gedenken an die Heiligen und die Propheten
Gedenken an den heiligen Josef, den Ehemann von Maria, der in Demut das Kind zu sich nahm.

Mittwoch, 20. M�rz: Gedenken an die Mutter des Herrn

Donnerstag, 21. M�rz: Gedenken an die Kirche

Freitag, 22. M�rz: Gedenken an den gekreuzigten Jesus

Samstag, 23. M�rz: Vorabend des Sonntags

Sonntag, 24. M�rz: Palmsonntag
Gedenken an Oscar Arnulfo Romero, Erzbischof von San Salvador. Er liebte die Armen und die Kirche und wurde am 24. M�rz 1980 am Altar get�tet. Die orthodoxen Kirchen feiern das Fest der „Verherrlichung der Orthodoxie“ und des ersten Sonntags der Fastenzeit. Gedenken an die Massaker der Ardeatinischen Gr�ben in Rom von 1944, bei denen von den Nationalsozialisten 335 Personen get�tet wurden.

Montag, 25. M�rz: Montag der Karwoche
Gedenken an die, die wegen des Evangeliums das Martyrium erlitten.

Dienstag, 26. M�rz: Dienstag der Karwoche
Gedenken an die Missionare, die den M�rtyrertod starben.

Mittwoch, 27. M�rz: Mittwoch der Karwoche
Gedenken an die M�rtyrer, die niemand kennt und an die sich niemand erinnert, die aber Gott bekannt sind.

Donnerstag, 28. M�rz: Gr�ndonnerstag
Gedenken an das letzte Abendmahl und die Fu�waschung. F�r die Juden beginnt heute das Passah-Fest

Freitag, 29. M�rz: Karfreitag
Gedenken an den Tod Jesu am Kreuz

Samstag, 30. M�rz: Karsamstag






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26th of march
of "martyrs"
of our time

in the Basilica
of S. Maria Maggiore



Guinea Bissau:
1st Training Session
for Nurses

in the Hospital of the Comunit� di Sant'Egidio



News from
(R.D. Congo)

Relief brought by the Community




on the Program
of AIDS prevention
and therapy in Mozambique



Spiritual Reading
of the Gospels
of Passion

Le Parole della Croce

Les paraules de la Creuse

Unter dem Kreuz

Onder het kruis



Safiya Hussaini

New appeal at the eve of the new trial



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New on the Web site


- AIDS fight
in Mozambique


- Pri�re




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