Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Year 2 - Number 19 - 09/14/2002




Does dialogue among faiths and cultures still make any sense after September 11th? This is an issue that has questioned everybody along the past year, and that comes up urgently again in these days.
An answer comes from the center of Mediterranean sea, from Palermo: right after September 11th dialogue among religious worlds and cultures is necessary as ever. This has been affirmed with strong conviction, from different perspectives, by Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, believers from India, humanists, gathered on September 1�3 in the Meeting promoted by the Community of Sant�Egidio and the Archdiocese of Palermo �Faiths and cultures within conflict and dialogue�.

From Cardinal Etchegaray to the French Rabbi Sirat, from the Muslim theologian Smaili to the Polish historian Geremek and the Ethiopian Orthodox Patriarch Paulos, everyone has reaffirmed, under different points of view, that dialogue is necessary in the great transformation process affecting this world. Dialogue is the answer to fundamentalism, to hatred, to terrorist violence. Dialogue is not a weak answer, it does not mean a waiver of one�s own identity.

By their presence, thousands of people welcomed and made their own the message launched by religious leaders. Many more joined those peace seekers, through the Internet, showing their participation in the �spirit of Assisi�.
This is why we invite all to sign the appeal. It is a commitment that everyone, not only religious leaders, can undertake. Because peace belongs to everybody and everybody is called to build it up.



09/10/02 - Grottaminarda (Italy) - "Christians and the ethics of welcoming"

09/10/02 - Rabinal (Guatemala) - Food aid in the drought damaged area

09/09/02 - Catania (Italy) - "Dialogue between faiths and peace"



The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

09/04/02 - Italy - International Meeting Peoples and Religions - Palermo 1-3 settembre 2002 - Round tables - Third Millennium without the Death Penalty? (IT-EN)

Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

09/08/02 - Philippines - President Arroyo deferred the execution of three rapists by 3 months.� (EN)

09/05/02 - Illinois/USA - Illinois prisoner review board will tackle all death cases in four days.� (EN)

Other issues

09/12/02 - Illinois/USA - Gov. Ryan proposes changes on death penalty law.� (EN)

09/10/02 - Italy/Nigeria - Rome: Honorary citizenship to Safiya:�Thanks to everybody. Now save Amina!�� (IT-EN)

09/09/02 - Italy - The Unions join the appeal to save Amina.� (IT)

09/09/02 - Vietnam/Australia - Australian woman sentenced to death.� (IT-EN)

09/08/02 - USA - Justices: Re-Examine Teen Executions� (IT-EN)

09/07/02 - Nigeria - No Miss World Contest, if the death sentence for Amina is not reversed.� (IT)

09/06/02 - Italy/Nigeria - Safiya was given the freedom of the city of Rome.� (IT)

09/06/02 - Sudan - The appeal for 88 death sentences was rejected.� (IT)

09/05/02 - Great Britain - �The death penalty is a dead issue�. The debate after the murder of the two children.� (EN)

09/04/02 - Rep. Centro Africa - Former President Kolingba and 20 soldiers sentenced to death.� (IT)

09/03/02 - Texas/USA - Toronto Patterson, 24, juvenile, was executed.� (IT-EN)

09/03/02 - Nigeria - Two other death sentences for adultery.� (IT-EN)

09/02/02 - Ohio/USA - Judge reverses no-death ruling: he may face lethal injection.� (IT-EN)

09/02/02 - Mexico/Nigeria - Mexico's president to fight death penalty in Nigeria.� (EN)

09/02/02 - Pakistan - Six Sentenced to Death for Gang Rape in Pakistan.� (IT-EN)

09/01/02 - Nigeria - Other reactions after the case of Amina.� (EN)

08/31/02 - Nigeria - Man sentenced to be stoned.� (IT)

08/31/02 - Texas/USA - Gary Etheridge, 38, was executed.� (EN)



september 15, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
XXIV of Ordinary Time. Memorial of Mary, mother of Jesus, suffering at the foot of the cross, and of all those who live compassion with those who are crucified, alone, condemned.

september 16, Monday: Memory of the Poor
For the Jews, the beginning of Yom Kippur (Expiation)

september 17, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord
Memorial of the stigmata of St. Francis. Disciple of the Gospel, Francis received in his body the signs of Christ�s wounds.

september 18, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

september 19, Thursday: Memory of the Church

september 20, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

september 21, Saturday: Memory of the apostles
Memorial of St. Matthew, apostle. He listened to the call of the Lord, and went from being a Publican to being a preacher and an evangelist. Prayer for the Jewish people who today begin the celebration of �Succoth� (Booths)

september 22, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
XXV of Ordinary Time.

september 23, Monday: Memory of the Poor

september 24, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

september 25, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

september 26, Thursday: Memory of the Church
Memorial and Saints Cosmas and Damian, Syrian martyrs. The tradition recalls the physicians who gratuitously cured the sick. Particular memorial of those who dedicate themselves to the care and healing of the sick.

september 27, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

september 28, Saturday: Sunday Vigil
Memorial of St. Wenceslas, venerated as a martyr in Bohemia.






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Urgent Appeal
Amina Lawal Kurami

sentenced to death in Nigeria



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