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There are also those who live on the street because they have lost their homes. Sometimes the lack - even if temporary - of a job or a pension too small to survive on do not allow the payment of the rent, and, when there are no relatives able to offer hospitality, eviction becomes the starting point of a trip towards exclusion which is difficult to escape from.

Finding another home becomes impossible and the only hope is of finding a place in any housing institute.

Coming back to find everything gone

Many times on the street you meet people who have a story of emigration abroad. Sometimes, in the south of the world, it is easy to meet whole families of ex-refugees, that, upon returning home, have found everything gone. 

The re-integration after you have left your country is not easy: you have to start again from zero, and find a home and a job. The obstacles are numerous, especially if you are not young anymore.


Friends on the street

October 28 2017

From the abyss to the light after 10 years: the true story of an injustice redeemed through love in Malawi

IT | EN | ES
October 10 2017

On 15th World Day Against the Death Penalty let us visit the poorest convicts in Africa

IT | EN | DE | ID
July 18 2017

Berlin's youth message to Europe: No More Walls

IT | EN | ES | DE | PT | CA | ID
June 20 2017

World Refugee Day: a story that shows the road of hope #WithRefugees #FaithOverFear

IT | EN | ES | FR | ID
June 19 2017

World Refugee Day 2017. Ecumenical statement: to go beyond the fear of foreigners

IT | EN | ES | DE
May 3 2017

Nigeria: humanitarian aid to the women detained in Suleja Prison

IT | EN | ES | DE | PT | NL
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