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January 10 2015 | HAITI

Five years ago, the earthquake in Haiti: solidarity grows in friendship with the poor and in the School of Peace

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Sant'Egidio does not forget Haiti five years after the terrible earthquake of 2010. During these years, the assistance has continued to the house of hospitality for the elderly of Port au Prince. And 16 children grow up together in the family home built by the Community in the aftermath for the orphans of the earthquake. (View the photo gallery)

The Communities of young Haitians, even through the many difficulties that have touched the country, grow in solidarity and closeness to the weakest, especially  thechildren of the School of Peace and prisoners.

A people of poor that has gathered at the Christmas lunches, both in the capital Port-au-Prince and at Anse-a-Veau.

 Anse-a-veau:  Visit the photogallery
 Port au Prince:  Visit the photogallery
The School of Peace
A visit to a prison


October 18 2014

Cardinal of Haiti Chibly Langlois visits the Community of Sant'Egidio

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January 12 2014

Four years after the earthquake in Haiti, with the children of the Sant'Egidio family home

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March 22 2011

Port-au-Prince (Haiti) – Children partying in the protected house of the Community of Sant’Egidio, while the city is still waiting to be rebuilt

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January 17 2011

Haiti: A visit to the family home for children in Port-au-Prince

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January 11 2011

Haiti, one year after the earthquake: starting again from children

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Corriere di Livorno

Livorno - "Non abbandonare Haiti" - L'impegno della comunità di Sant'Egidio

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