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April 24 2016 | LILONGWE, MALAWI

Sant'Egidio opens the way of the 'miracle friendship' in Lilongwe

Marco Impagliazzo’s visit to the Communities of Malawi continues

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The Communities of Sant'Egidio in Malawi grow. About 800 people gathered with Marco Impagliazzo in Lilongwe, the capital of the country, for a great meeting on the theme of friendship and of the meeting with the poor. They reflected on the crisis in the world of youth in Malawi for the lack of prospects and on the value of friendship as a way out of the crisis.

Lilongwe is a growing city that is affected by the phenomenon of urbanisation and sees increasing contradictions and the gap between those that are richer and the poor. There is a growing number of street children. There is an increasing number of those that undergo the attraction of "false prophets" that promise well-being and easy prosperity. They even talk about "miracle money". During the meeting, many youth from several schools and different city areas showed their commitment with the poorest through the friendship with the elderly, the schools of peace and the service in prisons. A way for "self-fulfillment" in life that changes the country and lays the foundation for a better and more united Malawi. The way of the youth of the Community is that of the "miracle friendship".

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Merry Christmas from the Community of Sant'Egidio!

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The new church in the House of Friendship of the Community of Sant’Egidio in Blantyre has been inaugurated.

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From the abyss to the light after 10 years: the true story of an injustice redeemed through love in Malawi

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Dialogue among religions and commitment to refugees in the talks with the Foreign Minister of Indonesia at Sant'Egidio

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October 9 2017

German President Steinmeier visits the Community of Sant'Egidio: ''make the world a peaceful place''

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Marco Impagliazzo: Let's open Paths of Peace in Europe and in the world. #pathsofpeace - VIDEO

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