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August 23 2008

Abuja, Nigeria: On vacation with the children of Durumi

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Durumi is the poorest part of Abuja. Here people live in barracks, or houses if they are fortunate. More often than not, the houses have been destroyed, the inhabitants moving away. It was precisely here that the Community of Sant’Egidio of Abuja opened a School of Peace, some time ago. 

This August in Durumi, together with their older friends, the children had the chance to hold celebrations and go on outings in order to better get to know the city.

October 10 2017

On 15th World Day Against the Death Penalty let us visit the poorest convicts in Africa

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October 5 2017

October 5th, World Teachers' Day 2017: Let everyone go to school... of language, culture, and peace!

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September 25 2017

The Spirit of Assisi in Nigeria: in Jos Christians and Muslims in dialogue to open new Paths of Peace

IT | EN | ES | DE | CA
September 21 2017

'At the School of Peace' is now in Italian bookshops: a book that gives a voice to thousands of children in the global world.

July 25 2017

Summer of Solidarity 2017 with the Community of Sant'Egidio: some pictures from the world

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July 18 2017

Berlin's youth message to Europe: No More Walls

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all the news
March 13 2018

Flucht, Abi, Studium

February 24 2018

A spasso per Milano aiutando l'Africa

February 21 2018
Vatican Insider

Sant’Egidio si unisce alla Giornata di digiuno per Congo e Sud Sudan indetta dal Papa

February 15 2018
La Nazione

Un pasto per chi non ha nulla. Ecco come si può dare una mano

February 7 2018
Il Secolo XIX

Nessuno è troppo piccolo per aiutare

February 4 2018

Raid xenofobo a Macerata. La Comunità di Sant’Egidio conforta i feriti

the entire press review
January 23 2018 | ROME, ITALY

Presentazione del libro ''Alla Scuola della Pace. Educare i bambini in un mondo globale''

January 17 2018 | NAPLES, ITALY

Presentazione del libro ''Alla Scuola della Pace - Educare i bambini in un mondo globale''

October 31 2014

Inaugurata a Bukavu la campagna "Città per la vita"

October 12 2014
All Africa

Africa: How the Death Penalty Is Slowly Weakening Its Grip On Africa

September 20 2014

In Ciad rischio criminalizzazione gay, ma abolizione pena morte

September 20 2014

Ciad: il nuovo codice penale prevede l'abolizione della pena di morte

go to no death penalty

''Entente de Sant'Egidio'': Political Agreement for Peace in the Central African Republic

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