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The "Republican Pact" drafted last September at Sant'Egidio has been signed in Bangui, in the Central African Republic

An important step towards peace: the document ratifies the parties' commitment to the respect for human rights and democratization

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An important step towards peace and the stability of the Central African Republic was made today in Bangui. In the presence of the diplomatic corps and the representatives of the international organisations, as well as the entire government of the Central African Republic, President of the Republic Michel Djotodia, Prime Minister Nicolas Ntiangaye and President of the National Transitional Council Alexandre-Ferdinand Nguendet signed the "Republican Pact". The document had been drafted in Rome, at the headquarters of the Community of Sant'Egidio during the peace talks for the Central African Republic that took place on 6 and 7 September, involving representatives of the government of Bangui, the National Transitional Council, civil society and religions. The signature has been announced in a news release of the Community.

The "Republican Pact" aims to engage the living forces of the nation in the defence of the democratic framework and human rights and in promoting the values of the Republic for a governance of peace and progress for the whole country, also preparing a series of permanent mechanisms for the prevention and management of conflicts. The republican pact provides some guiding lines for the action of all within the state and society. It reaffirms the following points:

1) the need to provide security to citizens through the disarmament of militias and the return to the normal activity of the State.

2) the need to ensure the return of internal and external refugees to their homes and to help in their reintegration

3) the rejection of violence as a means to access power

4) the choice for collaboration and constructive dialogue between the political parties and the refusal of confrontation

5) the need to strengthen the institutions and to work during the current period of political transition (which is planned for a period of less than two years) to prepare the country and its structures for representative democracy, to ensure full freedom of all citizens

6) the fight against corruption and the protection of public and private property

7) the need to act for the common good in favour of the Central African People, who is the main national resource.

8) the request to the Community of Sant'Egidio to continue its work to promote peace and dialogue in Central Africa.

Rome, 7 November 2013

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