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Sunday Times

8 Juni 2010

Malawi - Sant'Egidio opens BT feeding centre

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A lay Catholic movement, the Community of Sant' Egidio, was on Friday expected to inaugurate John Paul Il Feeding Centre at Machinjiri in Blantyre.
At least 1,000 malnourished children were expected to benefit from the project, which will be fully funded by donations and contributions from members of the community in Italy.
One of the senior members of the community, Francis Kafumbwe, president of the Community of Sant' Egidio Marco Impagliazzo was expected to grace the occasion.
"Professor Impagliazzo is expected to arrive earlier because he will also attend a conference on the elderly, which will take place on June 2. He will then lead local Members of the Community in the official inauguration of the feeding centre," said Kafumbwe.
He said the centre in Machinjiri will play a crucial role in responding to and boosting the nutritional needs of children in the area, especially those whose parents have difficulties in providing for them.
Although Community of Sant' Egidio is a Catholic organisation, Kafumbwe said the feeding centre is open to children of all faiths.

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