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8 Juni 2010

Malawi - For the goodwill of the children

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Community of St Egidio from Italy last Friday opened a children feeding centre at Machinjiri in Blantyre. The establishment of the centre would enable school going children to have a decent lunch after classes. President of St Egidio Professor Marco Impagliazzo said the children have a right to eat good food. The picture shows Impagliazzo unveiling the plaque to mark the official opening of the centre.

Picture by Bones Julius

13 Desemba 2017

The new church in the House of Friendship of the Community of Sant’Egidio in Blantyre has been inaugurated.

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | NL | PL | HU
28 Oktoba 2017

From the abyss to the light after 10 years: the true story of an injustice redeemed through love in Malawi

IT | EN | ES
13 Julai 2017

Let's fill the gap with the poor: Sant'Egidio in Lilongwe renewes the commitment of the poorest in Malawi

IT | EN | ES | DE | NL | ID
13 Oktoba 2016

A delegation of the Community of Sant'Egidio meets the President of the Central African Republic Touadéra

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | RU | HU
30 Septemba 2016

Thirst for Peace: the public role of young people for peace, dialogue and development

IT | EN | ES | FR | ID
30 Agosti 2016

The lesson of Mozambican refugees in Luwani to the Youth for Peace: Hope is stronger than evil

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | CA | RU
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21 Februari 2018
Vatican Insider

Sant’Egidio si unisce alla Giornata di digiuno per Congo e Sud Sudan indetta dal Papa

16 Januari 2018

Lamiabuonanotizia. Le mamme rom aiutano quelle d’Africa

8 Januari 2018

Alfano chiude missione in Africa al centro ‘Dream’ di Conakry (sant’Egidio)

6 Januari 2018
Vatican Insider

Guinea, Alfano nel centro “Dream” di Sant'Egidio per la cura dell'Aids

17 Desemba 2017
Il Secolo XIX

Da Genova al Malawi, Rigiocattolo aiuta l'Africa

9 Desemba 2017
Il Secolo XIX

Migranti e studenti volontari per il Rigiocattolo

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