Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Year 2 - Number 8 - 04/13/2002




The situation in the Holy Land is very difficult. People continue to die and we cannot see a way to peace. The pope invited the whole Church to strengthen its prayers so that peace may soon come and violence cease.

Prayer is the weapon of the weak, it is the weapon of those who recognize their weakness and ask to God what they cannot achieve with their strength. The poor and the needy know it.

In the Gospel, Jesus calls his disciples to pray unceasingly: �Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened� (Mt. 7,7-8). A prayer done with faith can achieve what men think impossible.

There is an important dimension in prayer: the request for the gift of peace. The pope says that, especially there where there is war, radical incomprehension, violence, vengeance, walls of hatred that may appear indestructible for human beings, prayer �is the prospect of recourse to heartfelt prayer to that God who alone can change the human heart, even the most obstinate one�.

The Lord can speak to the depths of the heart, he can walk on paths we cannot see, he can solve painful situations that we may believe impossible to solve.
There is a strength that passes through the inner transformation of men and women, who are called to find themselves once again and to be at the presence of God. This is the message that comes from Assisi.

Our hope is that He who can guide the heart of men can also disarm them from violence and hatred.



04/12/02 - Medellin (Colombia) - Two Italian technicians who were kidnapped 19 months ago were released

04/11/02 - Online donations to support the program to combat AIDS.

04/09/02 - Rome - �Cooperation must restart: Burundi can live again

03/30/02 - Novara (Italy) - Formation course for the personnel of the Molecular Biology Laboratory of Maputo

03/30/02 - Milan (Italy) - Cardinal Martini visits the Community.

03/30/02 - Messina (Italy) - Vigil of prayer for the people who are sentenced to death.

03/30/02 - Genova (Italy) - "Faces and rythms of the World": Peace People and the young people of Genova

03/30/02 - Lucca (Itay) - Rigiocattolo for Africa



The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

04/11/02 - Switzeland - Gen�ve - Briefing with Mario Marazziti Community of Sant'Egidio - A Universal Moratorium on Death Penalty. (FR - EN)

04/11/02 - Community of Sant'Egidio - 4 million signatures collected by the Community of Sant'Egidio to stop the death penalty in the world.

04/02/02 - Nigeria - Urgent Appeal presented by the Community of Sant'Egidio to save the life of Amina Lawal Kurami, sentenced to death by stoning. (EN)

Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

04/11/02 - Arizona/USA - Ray Krone is the 100th Death Row Inmate Exonerated. (IT - EN)

04/09/02 - Fiji - Parliament votes to abolish death penalty. (EN)

04/07/02 - Alabama/USA - Supreme Court Halts Ala. Execution: electric chair is too cruel. (IT - EN)

04/05/02 - Usa/Great Britain - Krishna Maharaj, British millionaire, after 15 years spent on death row, was sentenced to life in prison. (EN)

04/05/02 - Singapore/Germania - German woman has drug-trafficking charges reduced; avoids death penalty. (EN)

Other issues

04/11/02 - Missouri/USA - Pual Kreutzer, 36, was executed. (IT - EN)

04/11/02 - Florida/USA - Judges decide: Aileen Wuomos, 46, can drop appeals and now execution is impending. (EN)

04/11/02 - Russia - Supreme Court chairman said that the country should not revive the death penalty. (EN)

04/10/02 - USA - Death Penalty Symposium:Scalia and Dulles Comment on the Church's teaching on the death penalty. (EN)

04/10/02 - China - Five people were executed. (IT)

04/09/02 - Philippines - 17 convicts to be executed in Philippines this year. (EN)

04/09/02 - China/European Union - EU's Patten hails China ties, calls for candor in dealing with differences about human rights and death penalty. (EN)

04/08/02 - USA - Too many poor people sentenced to death without a good legal help. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said it may be time to require minimum standards for lawyers. (IT - EN)

04/08/02 - Philippines - Philippine prisons chief says death-row convicts cannot be executed in August. (EN)

04/08/02 - USA - ABA Launches Death Penalty Moratorium Implementation Project. (EN)

04/08/02 - Virginia/USA - He wanted to die and had dropped appeals: Daniel Lee Zirkle, 33, was executed. (IT - EN)

04/08/02 - Amnesty International - Women stoned in the world (Amnesty International). (IT)

04/08/02 - Texas/USA - Johnny Paul Penry: the resumption of the trial. (EN)

04/07/02 - Nigeria - Safiya: Obasanjo Hails Judgment. (EN)

04/07/02 - Uganda - Robber Handed Death Sentence. (EN)

04/07/02 - Philippines - Pope's upcoming visit may abolish death penalty. (EN)

04/06/02 - European Union - European Commissioner for Human Rights Alvaro Gil Robles expressed his deep concern because some western democratic countries use death penalty in the struggle against terrorism. (ES)

04/06/02 - Nigeria - Death Penalty Awaits Any Striking Soldier, Says Army. (EN)

04/06/02 - Saudi Arabia - Jordanian beheaded for armed robbery. (EN)

04/05/02 - Ireland/Uganda - Ireland protests execution of Ugandan soldiers. (EN)

04/04/02 - Sudan - Justice Minister defended the use of Islamic punishments, but criticized the Court which sentenced to death by stoning Abok A. Abok: It was a cruel and excessive� sentence. (EN)

03/31/02 - China - Former president of Chinese state company sentenced to death on charges of embezzling $ 9 million.

03/31/02 - France - French rights groups protest death penalty against Moussaoui.

03/31/02 - Swiss/UN - Swiss Minister for Foreign Affairs, Joseph Deiss, launched an appeal for world abolition of death penalty, during his speech at UN Human Rights Commission.

03/30/02 - USA - Ashcroft to Decide Soon whether to seek the death penalty against Zacarias Moussaoui, the French citizen who is convicted of conspiring in the Sept. 11 attacks.

03/30/02 - Uganda - 2 Ugandans Executed for Killing Irish Priest.

03/30/02 - Japan - Should courts always spare minors the death penalty? Japanese newspapers debate, after a famous case.



april 14, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Third Sunday of Easter

april 15, Monday: Memory of the Poor

april 16, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

april 17, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

april 18, Thursday: Memory of the Church

april 19, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

april 20, Saturday: Sunday Vigil

april 21, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Fourth Sunday of Easter. Memory of Saint Anselm (1033-1109), a Benedictine monk and bishop of Canterbury, who, for love of the Church, suffered exile.

april 22, Monday: Memory of the Poor

april 23, Tuesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Memory of Saint Adalbert, bishop of Prague, who died a martyr in East Prussia where he had gone to announce the Gospel (�997). He resided a long while in Rome where his memory is venerated in the basilica of Saint Bartholomew on the Tiberine Island.

april 24, Wednesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord
Today the Armenian Church remembers the massacres during the First World War, in which more than a million Armenians were killed.

april 25, Thursday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Memory of Saint Mark. He shared the commitment of bearing witness to and preaching the Gospel first with Barnabas and Paul, and then with Peter, and is the author of the first written Gospel.

april 26, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

april 27, Saturday: Sunday Vigil






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Online donations to support the program to combat AIDS

with credit card, through secure transaction



4 million signatures collected by the Community

to stop the death penalty in the world.




Rigiocattolo for Africa

A used toys sale to support the program of AIDS prevention and therapy in Africa



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