Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Year 2 - Number 15 - 07/20/2002




Many of us set off from the northern part of the world, where now it is summer time, to reach Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, Albania. Every year in July and August they animate what we like to call a �solidarity summer�. They are mostly European young people and adults, ordinary people who take time off from work longing not only for their own well-being and fitness but also for that of those who are deprived of it. On our web site they are called �Friends in the World�.

The news of this week report their accounts which help us to travel along them: they take us in Matola, the overcrowded Mozambican city, where we see the joy of the children at the nutritional centre and the anxious mothers who accept to be tested for HIV, since they now know that someone will take care of them and of their children if they prove to be infected.

Then, we follow them as they get to Guinea Bissau, within the new walls of the hospital, now secured from war and neglect, where every day hundreds of people arrive on foot needing for care and treatment.

They take us also to Albania, not only in Tirana, but also in the poorest villages of the Albanian mountains. We find there many more children, celebrating and studying at the Peace School. The photos, maybe a bit blurred (like most of family pictures), show smiling faces and groups of people who are celebrating. Thus, we like to continue to listen to their accounts, which tell us very simply, that indeed it is in giving that you receive.



07/17/02 - Press Release: Also in Summer Time....I Need You!

07/17/02 - Matola (Mozambique)- News from the Nutritional Centre

07/17/02 - Guinea Bissau - A Mobile Paediatric Unit in the "Port of Balanta"

07/16/02 - Tirana (Albania) - With the Patients of the Psychiatric Hospital

07/16/02 - Maputo (Mozambique) - Two Containers of Sanitary Equipment have Arrived

07/13/02 - Tirana and Lezha (Albania) - Summer of Solidarity: the Schools of Peace have been Opened

07/13/02 - Guinea Bissau - The activities of the surgery for children

07/10/02 - Barcelona (Spain) - Presentation of the D.R.E.A.M. Program to the International Conference on AIDS

07/09/02 - Tirana (Albania)- The Program of Health and Growth Promotion for Children from 0 to 3 Years Old

07/08/02 - Friends in the word: the Community's Summer of Solidarity Begins

07/08/02 - Books: "Salz der Erde, Licht der Welt"

07/08/02 - El Pa�s: La Conferencia del Sida denuncia la pasividad de los pa�ses ricos



The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

07/17/02 - Nigeria - Urgent Appeal - Yunusa Rafin Chiyawa, 35 years old. Sentenced to death by stoning. (EN)

07/15/02 - Italy - On the RAI Televisions Network a spot will invite people to sign several million post-cards (available at the post office, too) in order to stop the death penalty all over the world. (IT)

07/11/02 - Texas/USA - Urgent Appeal - Javier Saurez Medina - (Texas) - 32 anni - is scheduled for execution on august 14, 2002� (EN)

07/11/02 - Italy - From Venice against the death penalty, the Community of Sant'Egidio launches a new initiative to collect 5 millions signatures. (IT)

07/07/02 - Sudan - Urgent Appeal - To save the life of 15 people sentenced to death in Sudan.� (EN)

Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

07/07/02 - Georgia/USA - Stay of execution: Wallace Fugate.� (EN)�

Other issues

07/19/02 - Kenya - Death penalty proposed for graft offences.� (EN)

07/19/02 - USA - Ashcroft Aggressively Pursues Death Penalty.� (EN)

07/17/02 - Sudan - Amnesty Concerned Over Death Sentences. (IT)

07/15/02 - Pakistan - Man sentenced to death for blasphemy. (EN)

07/13/02 - Japan - Where the executions are secret. (N. Y. Times). (EN)

07/13/02 - Nigeria - Yunusa Rafin Chiyawa sentenced to death by stonino for raping. (EN)

07/12/02 - France - M. Taube�: ��Les �tats-Unis vont-ils abolir la peine de mort?�. (FR)

07/11/02 - USA - Dems Dreading Death-Penalty Ko� (EN)�

07/10/02 - USA - New Rulings Don't Fling Open Death Row Doors. The debate.� (EN)�

07/10/02 - Barbados - 4 men plan appeal to London's Privy Council to block executions.� (EN)

07/10/02 - Italy - Italian Vice Minister Baccini: �Italy to work on the moratorium at the UN.�� (IT)�

07/09/02 - Nigeria - Adjourned to August 5th Amina Lawal's appeal hearing against stoning. (IT-ES)�

07/09/02 - Iran - 3 men hanged in one day in public.� (IT)��

07/06/02 - Algeria - A man was sentenced to death for murder of 7 Italian soldiers. (IT)

07/06/02 - Colorado/USA - Colorado governor to call special session to rewrite state's death penalty. (EN)



july 21, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
16th Sunday of ordinary time

july 22, Monday: Memory of the Poor
Memory of Mary of Magdala. She announced to the apostles and to the disciples that the Lord has risen.

july 23, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord
Memory of St. Anthony from the caves of Kiev (�1073) in Ukraine. Father of Russian monks with St. Theodosius he is considered the founder of the monastery of the caves.

july 24, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

july 25, Thursday: Memory of the apostles
Memory of the apostle James, son of Zebedee. He was the first of the Twelve who suffered the martyrdom and his body is venerated in Compostela, Spain.

july 26, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified
Memory of Mary, mentally ill, who died in Rome. With her we remember all the people who are mentally ill and who fell asleep in the Lord

july 27, Saturday: Sunday Vigil

july 28, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

july 29, Monday: Memory of the Poor
Memory of Martha, of Mary and of Lazarus. They welcomed the Lord in their house

july 30, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

july 31, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

august 1, Thursday: Memory of the Church

august 2, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

august 3, Saturday: Sunday Vigil






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the death penalty,




Also in Summer Time�
I need You

The Community and elderly people




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