Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Year 2 - Number 21 - 10/12/2002




October 4th 1992, after a long and bloodstained civil war, Mozambique returned to peace thanks to the peace agreement signed in Rome, after long negotiations which took place in the ancient monastery of Sant'Egidio. It was an unusual mediation, carried out by a Community founded on the primacy of prayer and of the communication of the Gospel, a Community that had built a synergy of forces and intents around these negotiations and had sought the end of an armed conflict with the simple means of dialogue.

In Mozambique the people celebrated October 4th, it has become the "day of peace and national reconciliation". It is a celebration which bestows upon the young generations the historical memory of peace, an inheritance for everybody. In Rome, on that day, a book was presented, a reconstruction of the events that brought the country from war to peace and today, to the struggle against AIDS: Mozambique, a peace for Africa. This is to say that, as fear for a war approaches everybody's conscience, this country's story, one with its own specifics, represents a concrete sign for hope.

It is a hope first of all for Africa, which is still oppressed by so many wars and which is even more forgotten and distant today than it was then. The recent history of Mozambique summons us to pursue a peace for Africa; it tells us that to speak the language of democracy and dialogue is possible and useful, it declares that a vision bringing Africa close to Europe and to the West once more must be established.

Peace in Mozambique, the transition in South Africa and other positive events are a sign of hope for everybody: they show how nobody is irrelevant or disarmed in front of violence and war. They tell us about the strength of words, of dialogue, of patient mediation. In a time when it seems that war can come from anywhere, these events remind us that we can all make peace.



10/07/02 - The Memory of St. Francis of Assisi

10/06/02 - Rome - Ecumenical Celebration in Memory of the Witnesses of Faith of the XX Century together with H.H. Teoctist, the Patriarch of Romania.

10/04/02 - Mozambique, Ten Years of Peace

10/03/02 - Napoli (Italy) - Presentation of the Anti-AIDS Program

10/03/02 - Trieste (Italy) - Inauguration of the Movement "Long Live the Elderly!"

09/30/02 - Rome - Presentation of the Book "Mozambique, a Peace for Africa"

09/29/02 - The Sant'Egidio Newsletter is One Year Old

09/29/02 - Messina (Italy) - A Prayer for Peace One Month After the Meeting in Palermo



The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

10/03/02 - Texas/USA - Urgent Appeal - Rickey Lynn Lewis.�40 years old (EN)

09/30/02 - Italy - Gilda Telesca celebrates her 100th birthday. She collected with us hundreds of signatures against the death penalty. (IT)

Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

10/09/02 - Florida/USA - Bush stays the execution of Aileen Wuornos.� (EN)

10/04/02 - Turkey - Turkish Court Lifts Death Sentence on Ocalan.� (IT-EN)

10/02/02 - Florida/USA - New trial for William Kelley, after 18 years on death row. (EN)

10/01/02 - Philippines� - President Arroyo stays all the executions. Colosseum is lit up for Philippines. (IT-FR)

Other issues

10/09/02 - Iraq - Iraqi Group Say Gov. Executed 15.� (EN)

10/09/02 - Texas/USA - James Rexford Powell, 56, was executed.� (EN)

10/08/02 - Virginia/USA - Earl Washington (pardoned after 10 years on death row) files civil lawsuit.� (EN)

10/08/02 - Florida/USA - Executions start again. Rigoberto Sanchez-Velasco, 43, was executed.� (EN)

10/08/02 - USA - BBC: US condemned for youth executions.� (EN)

10/07/02 - New Mexico/USA - Candidates favor death penalty for child killers.� (EN)

10/07/02 - Myanmar - 4 relatives of former dictator Ne Win, were sentenced to death.� (IT)

10/07/02 - Nigeria - For the Prosecutor the appeal of Sarimu Mohammed, must be rejected.� (IT)

10/06/02 - Council of Europe/Armenia - Council of Europe calls Armenia to abolish the death penalty.� (IT)

10/06/02 - Texas/USA - After the 800th execution, how many others?� (IT)

10/06/02 - France - Last executioners in Algeria publishes his memoirs.� (IT-EN-FR)

10/05/02 - Illinois/USA - Commutation Is Justice, Not Mercy.� (EN)

10/05/02 - Florida/USA - Lawyer representing Aileen Wuornos asked state SupremeCourt to evaluate his client's mental competency.� (EN)

10/05/02 - Europen Union - EU Foreign Affairs Ministers criticize stoning.� (IT)

10/04/02 - Amnesty International/Tajikistan - Amnesty International criticizes death penalty practices.� (EN)

10/04/02 - USA - Juveniles and death penalty on the American newspapers. (EN)

10/04/02 - Nigeria - President Obasanjo: Amina will not be stoned.� (EN)

10/03/02 - Uganda - Uganda: Is the State Allowed to Kill? - Father Agostoni criticises the death sentence. (EN)

10/03/02 - Florida/USA - Introduction to Death Row-By Richard E. Shere Jr.Florida Death Row. (EN)

10/02/02 - Iran - Public display. Thousands gather to see 5 rapists executed.� (IT-EN)

10/02/02 - Arkansas/USA - Judge likens juveniles to mentally incompetent and therefore they cannot be executed.� (EN)

10/01/02 - Texas/USA - Per l�Herald Tribune le esecuzioni in Texas sono diventate una routine. (EN)

10/01/02 - Arkansas/USA - R. Halperin encourages people to rid of the nightmare of death penalty. (EN)

09/30/02 - Texas/USA - Texas Shrugs Off Debate on Executions. Death Row Routine Marches On. (Washington Post) (EN)

09/30/02 - Caribean - Several governments in the region change the constitution in an effort to beat rise in violent crimes. (EN)

09/30/02 - Nigeria - Appeal Against Death Sentence By Stoning Adjourned. (EN)

09/30/02 - Texas/USA - Calvin King, 48, was executed. (IT-EN)

09/29/02 - USA - 800th execution in the US. The abolitionists speak out. (EN)

09/29/02 - Italy/Nigeria - Italian Government to promote an international iniziative to save Amina. (EN)

09/29/02 - Illinois/USA - Ryan's saving grace. (EN)

09/28/02 - Florida/USA - Md. Death Penalty Report Delayed Until After Elections. (EN)

09/28/02 - Texas/USA - Rex Mays, 42, was executed. (IT-EN)

09/28/02 - Kenya/Uganda - Jail Chiefs Oppose death penalty. (EN)



october 13, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

october 14, Monday: Memory of the Poor
Remembrance of St. Callistus (+222). A slave, he became the bishop of Rome. Friend of the poor, he founded the church that would be called St. Mary in Trastevere.

october 15, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

october 16, Wednesday: Memory of Jesus crucified
Remembrance of the deportation of the Jews from Rome during the Second World War. Anniversary of the beginning of the pastoral ministry of Pope John Paul II. Prayer for his service as Bishop of Rome and servant of the universal Church.

october 17, Thursday: Memory of the Church
Remembrance of Saint Ignatius, bishop of Antioch. He was condemned to death and led to Rome where he died a martyr. (+107).

october 18, Friday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Memory of Saint Luke, evangelist and author of the Acts of the Apostles, According to tradition, he was physician and painter.

october 19, Saturday: Sunday Vigil

october 20, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

october 21, Monday: Memory of the Poor

october 22, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord
Remembrance of Mary Salome, mother of James and John who followed the Lord until the foot of the cross and who placed Him in the sepulcher.

october 23, Wednesday: Memory of the Church

october 24, Thursday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

october 25, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

october 26, Saturday: Sunday Vigil
Remembrance of the historical encounter at Assisi (1986) when John Paul Ii invited representatives of all Christian faiths and of the great world religions to pray for peace. Prayer for the believers of all religions.






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Ten years of peace in Mozambique






of the deportation
of the Jews of Rome




"I want to stay home"

proposals on care for elderly people





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