Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Year 2 - Number 20 - 09/28/2002




Sant�Egidio Newsletter is now one year old, an event we celebrate together, also with The Friends, the movement promoted by the Community of Sant�Egidio which has gathered hundreds of �differently able� artists outdoors, on the square, with the painting exhibition �Abbasso il Grigio!�. Their paintings make us reflect and not only because of their beauty. They are the fruit of a year�s work. People with different degrees of mental or physical disabilities have met to read, to delve deeper and to illustrate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

�Abbasso il Grigio!� proves that culture can be articulated even when one has difficulties in expressing him or herself, because beyond any communication cage there are often profound inner depths and an unexpected understanding of the world.
These works reveal no insistence on one�s difficulties or necessities, as could be reasonably expected. On the contrary �The Friends� draw our attention on Africa, on people sentenced to death and they carry us into the dream � in part come true � of supporting the reconstruction of the hospital in Bissau.

And this is also what Sant�Egidio Newsletter intended to do in this first year of its existence, by speaking about many people which so little is said about, to become Friends, with the capital a that those who take this word seriously use. Thanks then to all those who have done this together with us.



09/23/02 - Palermo (Italy) - Prayer in Memory of Father Puglisi

09/20/02 - Peace People - Vademecum for the Regularisation of Immigrant workers

09/17/02 - From Palermo to Africa: the Palermo Appeal is Presented Again in Peace Meetings in some African Cities

09/16/02 - Press Review: "Dalle fedi una forza critica per la pace"

09/16/02 - Press Review: "While sabers rattle, Vatican officials call for peace"

09/16/02 - Rome - Picture Exhibition "Down with Grey!" Disabled Artists Illustrate the Universal Declaration on Human Rights



The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

09/22/02 - Texas/USA - Urgent Appeal - James Rexford Powel.�56 years old (EN)

Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

09/26/02 - USA - Federal district judge declares death penalty law unconstitutional. (IT-EN-ES)

09/25/02 - Alabama-Nevada/USA - Two death sentences overturned in Alabama and Nevada. (IT-EN)

09/19/02 - Florida/USA - The death sentence of Spanish citizen Julio Mora, 75, was overturned.� (ES)

Other issues

09/26/02 - Philippines� - Supreme Court rejects petition to stop 30 executions. (EN)

09/26/02 - Germany/USA - Germany Won't Seek to Extradite Suspect Terrorists. (EN)

09/26/02 - Iran - Five people executed, other six in a few days. (IT)

09/26/02 - Texas/USA - Executing the mentally retarded must cease, the U.S. Supreme Court says. Now comes the tricky part. (EN)

09/26/02 - USA - Dignity Denied: New Report Reveals Bias Against Surviving Family Members Who Oppose The Death Penalty. (EN)

09/25/02 - Texas/USA - Perry in Mexico defends execution - Says death of Suarez not racist. (EN)

09/25/02 - Giamaica - Prime Minister, if re-elected, will change Constitution for a resumption of hanging. (EN)

09/25/02 - Nigeria/USA - American newspapers report the case of Amina. (EN)

09/23/02 - China - Ten people executed for common crimes. (IT-ES)

09/23/02 - Europe/USA - Europe and US still do not agree on extradition & death penalty. (IT)

09/22/02 - California/USA - Court appoints guardian for condemned mentally retarded man.� (EN)

09/21/02 - Texas/USA - Ron Shamburger, 30, was executed.� (EN)

09/21/02 - Kenya - Death row convicts' horrid lives.� (EN)

09/21/02 - Thailand - Man from Scotland faces a possible death penalty in Thailand for smuggling drugs.� (EN)

09/21/02 - USA - 75 years ago Sacco and Vanzetti were executed.� (EN)

09/20/02 - Texas/USA - American newspapers debate on the execution o Medina.� (EN)

09/20/02 - Texas/USA - A sudden rise of executions just in view of elections.� (IT)

09/20/02 - Texas/USA - Jesse Joe Patrick, 44, was executed.� (IT-EN)

09/20/02 - Philippines - Arroyo likely to defer rapist's execution on cardinal's birthday.� (EN)

09/19/02 - Japan - The death sentence of Spanish citizen Julio Mora, 75, was overturned.� (ES)

09/19/02 - Texas/USA - David Atwood (Texas Coalition) replies to Scalia.�� (EN)

09/18/02 - California/USA - Charles Andy Williams was sentenced to 50 years.�� (EN)

09/18/02 - Florida/USA - King brothers' trial delayed to October 17th.�� (EN)

09/18/02 - Nigeria - CRP asked for the intervention of the Federal Government to save Amina.�� (EN)

09/18/02 - Texas/USA - In 2002c Texas Executions Far Surpass Any Other State.�� (EN)

09/18/02 - Arizona/USA - Two inmates sentenced to death may save thierselves after Supreme Court ruling.�� (EN)

09/16/02 - USA - EU Justice Ministers, Ashcroft to Discuss Death Penalty, Extradition.�� (EN)

09/16/02 - Nigeria/Great Britain - Queen May Boycott Death-Sentence State.�� (EN)

09/15/02 - South Carolina/USA - Michael Passaro, 40, (volunteer) was executed.� (IT-EN)

09/15/02 - Kenya - Woman,22, to hang for a few dollars robbery.� (EN)

09/15/02 - California/USA - Federal appeals court clears for execution inmate nominated for Nobel Peace Prize.� (EN)

09/14/02 - USA - Death penalty: U.S. among nations marked by extremism.� (EN)

09/14/02 - New York/USA - New York City Premiere of "Dead Man Walking" Opera.� (EN)

09/14/02 - China - Eight men executed in one only day.� (FR)



september 29, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
XXVI of Ordinary Time. Memorial of St. Michael Archangel. The Ethiopian Church, the oldest among those of Africa, venerates him as their protector.

september 30, Monday: Memory of the Poor
Memorial of St. Jerome, doctor of the Church who died in Bethlehem in 420. He translated the Scripture into Latin. Prayer that the voice of Scripture will be heard in every language.

october 1, Tuesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Remembrance of Th�r�se of Lisieux, Carmelite nun animated by a profound sense of the mission of the Church.

october 2, Wednesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

october 3, Thursday: Memory of the Church

october 4, Friday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Memory of St. Francis, witness to the Gospel �without additions,� man of peace and dialogue. Remembrance of the dedication of the �little chapel� of Primavalle, on the outskirts of Rome, first place of prayer of the Community of Sant�Egidio. On this day in 1992, there was signed in Rome the Peace Accord that put an end to the war in Mozambique. We thank the Lord because He guides people along the way of peace even when they are not capable of finding it through their own strength. Prayer for all those who work for peace in every part of the world.

october 5, Saturday: Sunday Vigil

october 6, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
XXVII Sunday of Ordinary Time

october 7, Monday: Memory of the Poor

october 8, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

october 9, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Memory of the patriarch Abraham. In faith, he left for a land that he did not know, promised to him by God. Because of this faith, he is called the father of believers, Jews, Christians and Muslims.

october 10, Thursday: Memory of the Church

october 11, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

october 12, Saturday: Sunday Vigil






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Urgent Appeal
Amina Lawal Kurami

sentenced to death in Nigeria



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