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January 31 2015 | ROME, ITALY

Press release

Press release on the election of the President of the Republic of Italy

Quirinale, Sant'Egidio sends its greetings to Mattarella, a man "who is attentive to social issues and solidarity"

printable version

The Community of Sant'Egidio welcomes the election of Sergio Mattarella as the President of the Republic. Elected with a large majority in Parliament, he will certainly be able to offer all his political experience and his extensive training at the service of the unity of the country, which, in this time of economic crisis, reveals itself as one of the most important and challenging tasks.

We are confident that the new Head of State will be attentive to emerging social issues, such as the need to promote integration and build bridges between the centre and the peripheries of our country. The Community of Sant'Egidio, certain that the President will be able to increase the value of solidarity in the Italian society and at an international level, wishes him a good job in the service of all.

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