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November 24 2000

Budapest - Solidarity with the Jewish Hungarian Community

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The Community of Sant'Egidio in Hungary has written a letter of support to the Chief Rabbi and the Jewish Community of Hungary, to express their concern for the profanation of 60 tombs, perpetrated between the 2nd and the 4th of November. The public appeal, which was published by the daily newspaper Nepszabadsag on November 23rd , was subscribed also by numerous religious orders, movements and associations.

January 26 2017

Holocaust Remembrance Day: No to indifference, let us not be accomplices of intolerance and new forms of racism

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January 24 2017

''I woke up and my coat was covered by a small layer of ice'': refugees on the border between Serbia and Hungary

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May 13 2016

Beyond the barbed wire, among the refugees on the Hungarian border seeking a new life in Europe

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September 30 2015

Sant'Egidio with the refugees in Hungary: the walls collapse with solidarity

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September 16 2015

Sant'Egidio in Hungary responds to the call of the Pope and welcomes refugees in transit through Budapest

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September 3 2015

Refugees Can Be Stopped Only By Peace: Sant’Egidio asks Hungarian Parliament not to pass law package on Immigration

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all the news
November 30 2017
Die Tagespost

Die Geschichte eines langen römischen Winters

November 28 2017
POW - Pressestelle des Ordinariates Würzburg

Erinnerung bleibt Aufgabe für alle

November 16 2017
Vatican Insider

Riccardi: “Con Laras scompare una grande figura della cultura contemporanea”

November 4 2017

Marco Impagliazzo. Ebraismo: la fine di un pregiudizio

June 24 2017
Magyar Kurir

„Akik a remény útján haltak meg” – Ökumenikus imaórát tartottak Budapesten a menekültekért

February 17 2017
Sette: Magazine del Corriere della Sera

L'Ungheria sta chiudendo dietro a un muro il proprio futuro

the entire press review
January 23 2018 | LIVORNO, ITALY

Memoria della deportazione degli ebrei di Livorno

January 18 2018 | ROME, ITALY

'Siamo qui, siamo vivi. Il diario inedito di Alfredo Sarano e della famiglia scampati alla Shoah'. Colloquio sul libro


Appello al Parlamento ungherese sui profughi e i minori richiedenti asilo

Lettera ai consiglieri comunali di Budapest in difesa dei senza fissa dimora

Comunità di Sant'Egidio

APPELLO FINALE - Pellegrinaggio ad Auschwitz-Birkenau

Zuccari Alessandro

NON C'È FUTURO SENZA MEMORIA - Intervento di apertura di Alessandro Zuccari, Comunità di Sant'Egidio

Toaff Elio

NON C'È FUTURO SENZA MEMORIA - Intervento di Elio Toaff, Rabbino capo di Roma

Riccardi Andrea

Andrea Riccardi, Comunità di Sant'Egidio NON C'È FUTURO SENZA MEMORIA

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Giornata della memoria: non dimentichiamo la Shoah

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