The 28th of October, the Community of Sant'Egidio and the Indonesian Istitute Religions for Peace organized in the Auditorium of the National Library of Jakarta the Meeting:" Religions and Cultures in Dialogue: to Build the Faith of a People through Religious Values".
The Meeting was the follow up of the Prayer for Peace that was held in Crakow. 11 representatives of the main Indonesian Religions spoke at the meeting that was attended by hundreds of people. The new auxiliary Bishop of Jakarta, Mons. Ignatius Suhario, also sent a personal message.
After a keynote address by the representative of the Community of Sant'Egidio, who recalled that the "Spirit of Assisi" is a foundation of a society united in peace and dialogue, the varioous religious representative spoke.
 At the end, following the model of the Prayer for Peace, all the participants were asked to light a candle and to sign an appeal for peace that was then delivered to the children of the School of Peace as a commitment towards the younger generations
Music and traditional dances were also performed by a group (SOS Cibubur) made up of youngsters who are supported by the foster adoption program of the Community.
