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June 26 2013 | NAPLES, ITALY

What's so special about a trip to the beach?

A great deal, for those who live the harsh reality of the Judicial Psychiatric Hospitals. An initiative of the Community of Sant'Egidio of Naples

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The experience of OPG (Judicial Psychiatric Hospitals) seems a "never-ending story." Many complex reasons (see the article The OPG: where we are) keep alive institutions whose closure has actually been decided on more occasions: it was fixed in March 2013 and postponed until March 2014.
In the meantime, however, something can be done. The Community of Sant'Egidio, whose activity in Italian prisons is intense, together with the OPG authorities, has organised a special day for a group of inmates for four years now in Naples.
A day on the beach, special just because it is normal, the holiday of a family or, if you prefer, a group of friends: a walk in the open air, a swim in the sea, lunch together, the coffee at the kiosk ... a step towards "normality" which, we hope, will soon be recognized and made possible.



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