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January 29 2014 | MILAN, ITALY

The House of Friendship has been inaugurated in Milan

President of Sant'Egidio Marco Impagliazzo: "a welcoming place where to rebuild familiarity between people."

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On Sunday 26 January, the "House of Friendship" was inaugurated in Milan, in Via Olivetani, a place of welcoming and integration in the heart of the city. Present in the ceremony was President of the Community of Sant'Egidio Marco Impagliazzo, who stressed the importance, in a time of hardship and severe economic crisis, of a welcoming, beautiful and simple place in the city where to rebuild familiarity between people.

In the house are classrooms for Italian language courses for immigrants, a kitchen where meals are prepared for the friends that live on the streets, spaces to provide guidance and counselling to those in need, as well as a lounge for meetings, public events and parties.

The inauguration was attended to by hundreds of people who visited an exhibition of the services of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Milan, set up in the house, accompanied by an explanation of the friends of "People of Peace" and "Long Live the Elderly".

Present at the event was also mons. Mario Delpini, Vicar General of the Diocese of Milan and Pierfrancesco Majorino, Adviser for Social Policies of the Municipality of Milan.


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