Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Anno 1 - Numero 4 - 11/10/2001




In these past days the Community advocated the invocation for help of Safiya, a young Nigerian woman, who has been sentenced to death because she is expecting a baby before being married. The Community is searching all possible means to save her life and the life of her baby, by sending appeals to the president of Nigeria. The cry for help of Safiya and of her baby is just one of the faces of the great suffering of women, who have no rights, and of children in many parts of the world, maybe in most parts of the world.

The new interest for Afghanistan, connected to the attacks of the 11th of September and to the war, showed us once again the image of the afghan women. It is just another aspect of the condition of women. The work we are undertaking to treat AIDS in Mozambique is showing us the tragedy of many women, children and families who are mortally marked by disease and poverty. We can also think of those families in Khartoum, in Sudan, whose houses were destroyed by the flood and who have received our aid.

Women, especially those who have no rights, carry the weight of the most severe situations of poverty and war. We see it in Matola, in Mozambique, where the home-care service for the families who have been hit by AIDS has begun. We see it very well among the refugees we are in touch with, who are coming from countries at war.

Lately the Community, with the active involvement of �Peace People� and of the �Country of the Rainbow Movement� began to collect aid for the Afghan refugees at the beginning of a hard winter.
On the threshold of a great international crisis, that of Cuba in 1962, when an atomic conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union could have taken place, Pope John XXIII addressed an appeal to the two countries. He prayed they would listen to the �anguished cry that rises to heaven from all over the Earth, from the innocent children, from the elderly, from all people and communities: peace, peace�.

These words come back to our mind in a serious international situation, full of threats and unclear perspectives. These words and feelings will be in the heart of the prayer for peace that will take place in all our communities in Europe, Africa, North and South America on the 13th of November.

In Assisi, in 1986, the leaders of all religions prayed for peace. John Paul II then said: � there is no peace without a passionate work for peace�. He echoed a desire that today has become a necessity: �Peace is waiting for its prophets. Peace is waiting for its builders�. Peace is not na�ve, but a tiring and constant work to avoid war, violence and terrorism. It is a work that aims to remove situations of misery, to make different worlds meet and talk, to give dignity to men and women, so that they may love their present without desiring to destroy it one another.



11/07/01 - Matola (Mozambique) - Home Aid to AIDS Affected People

11/06/01 - Khartoum (Sudan) - Aid Distribution to the Families Struck by the Flood has begun

11/04/01 - Le Nouvel Observateur - "La force faible de l'amour"

11/04/01 - Florence (Italy) - Memory of the Anniversary of the Prayer for Peace: Assisi, 1986

11/01/01 - Rome - Liturgy in the All Saints' Day

10/31/01 - Aid for the Afghan Refugees

10/31/01 - Lucca (Italiy) - Memory of the Assisi Day of Prayer for Peace

10/31/01 - Lezha (Albania) - Opening of the Multimedia Laboratories in Three Schools

10/30/01 - La Stampa: The Problem of War and the Sacrifice of the Believers

10/29/01 - Lausanne - Memory of the Assisi Prayer for Peace



The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

11/08/01 - Texas/USA - Urgent appeal - Emerson Rudd is scheduled for execution on November 15, 2001

11/03/01 - Nigeria - Urgent appeal - Safiya Hussaini Tungar - Tudu (Nigeria)

10/31/01 - Kenya - Community of Sant�Egidio appeals to Kenya Government for a man convicted (of theft) to death

Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

11/06/01 - USA - Court Reviews Death Penalty Case: Walter Mickens

11/05/01 - Kentucky/USA - Kentucky Death Sentences Reversed; Governor Supports Ban on Executing Juveniles

11/03/01 - Pakistan - Death sentences of 10 changed into life term

11/01/01 - South Korea - Parliament moves to abolition

11/01/01 - Algeria - One hundred death sentences are could be commutated to life imprisonment

10/31/01 - California/USA - Governor Asked to Halt Executions

Other issues

11/08/01 - New Mexico/USA - First execution after 40 years: Terry Clark was executed

11/08/01 - Georgia/USA - Jose Martinez High, 43, was executed

11/08/01 - Guatemala - Death sentence

11/07/01 - China - 18 executions in one day

11/07/01 - Pennsylvania/USA - Married couple convicted to death

11/06/01 - USA - Capital Punishment Debate Sees Shifts in U.S. States

11/06/01 - Japan - Shizuka Kameim new head of death penalty abolitionists

11/06/01 - Pakistan - Ali Sher, 21, sentenced to death

11/06/01 - Nigeria - Pregnant woman appeals against death sentence. Senate President Condemns Woman's Death Sentence

11/06/01 - Japan - Death penalty asked for Chinese in murder trial

11/05/01 - New Mexico/USA - Pope�s appeal to save life of Terry Clark

11/05/01 - USA - Death penalty highlighted in U.S. Catholic bishops' proposed pro-life plan

11/03/01 - France - Ex Minister in favour of reintroduction of death penalty

11/03/01 - China - Two executions

11/03/01 - South Korea - Debate on Abolition of Death Penalty

11/03/01 - Cuba - UE asks Cuba to abolish death penalty

11/01/01 - New Mexico/USA - The imminent Execution of Terry Clark. Haunts Ex-Governor

11/01/01 - Texas/USA - Marchers with Bishop gathered at Capitol demand end to death penalty

10/30/01 - New Mexico/USA - Amnesty asks for halt to Clark execution, juvenile

10/30/01 - Botswana - 2 men convicted to death flee from Botswana to SA

10/30/01 - Russia - Parliament deputy proposes introducing death penalty for drug trafficking

10/30/01 - Indonesia - Indonesia's Megawati backs death penalty on drugs

10/28/01 - Georgia/USA - Terry Mincey, 41, was executed



november 11, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Thanksgiving for the day of the Lord.

november 12, Monday: Memory of the Poor

november 13, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

november 14, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

november 15, Thursday: Memory of the Church

november 16, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

november 17, Saturday: Sunday Vigil

november 18, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Thanksgiving for the days of the Lord.

november 19, Monday: Memory of the Poor

november 20, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

november 21, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

november 22, Thursday: Memory of the Church

november 23, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

november 24, Saturday: Sunday Vigil
Let us remember today Valdo Vinay, who preached the Gospel among us for many years. On day in which he died, let us remember him along with Pietro Rossano, Louis Laurendau, Jean Scotto, Marcel Uylenbroeck, Theodorus Zwartkruis, Henry Sistermans, Marie Claire, Immacolatella, Arturo Rivera y Damas, N�ophitos Edelby, Jacques Dupont, Fr�re Christian, and many other brothers and sisters, in that �friendship which never ends.�






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Urgent appeal for Safiya Hussaini

a young woman sentenced to death in Nigeria



Relief for the Afghan Refugees

An aid program promoted by Peace People and The Rainbow Country



The fight against AIDS in Mozambique

The first program of AIDS prevention and therapy in Africa



Rigiocattolo for Africa

A used toys sale to support the program of AIDS prevention and therapy in Africa




A new section on the webside about the work for Peace




Parliament abolishes capital punishment



15 years since Assisi

The Anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Peace: Assisi, 1986



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