Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Year 2 - Number 4 - 02/16/2002




The anniversary of the Community of Sant’Egidio was celebrated on February the 7th . The celebration was held in a not easy time for many regions of the world. The experience of the past years doesn’t lead to take stock, rather to reflect on prospects and responsibilities opening before us.

In fact there are many concrete problems. The world we live in looks disordered and disorientated at the beginning of this millennium. Many frontiers became confused and many walls fell down, nevertheless the reality of many conflicts and, above all, the reality of a world of sorrows and miseries which are intolerable to a just little sensitive heart. We saw the pictures of the tragedy which affected Goma. We are reached by alarming news about AIDS diffusion in Africa. These are just some of the many examples. The passed years strengthen in the Community the awareness that before the deep wounds of the world and before human frailty there is only one word that deeply transforms the reality for it changes the hearts of people making them strong.

From this word springs the work for the victims of the eruption in Goma that involves the Communities of Rwanda. From here necessary energies spring to face what seems impossible to be defeated like AIDS in Africa, death penalty, war. From here humble ways spring by many, not always known people, but people convinced that they have to search for what seems to be impossible, that is peace and a human life for everybody.



02/09/02 - L'Osservatore Romano - The Community of Sant'Egidio made the "Spirit of Assisi" blow in the Sky of many European Cities

02/06/02 - Goma (D.R.Congo) - The Community Distributes the Aid sent from Europe

02/06/02 - Maputo (Mozambique) - The Activities of the Molecular Biology Laboratory have begun

02/06/02 - Lima (Per�) - Aid to the Families Struck by the Fire of the Trade Centre

02/06/02 - News on the web - The New Home Page of the Section "No to Death Penalty"

02/05/02 - Paderborn (Germany) - Conference of Andrea Riccardi

02/04/02 - La Repubblica - Those Solidarity Junk Dealer



The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

02/09/02 - Sudan-Italy - Abok Alfa Akok. Governement of Sudan to the Community of Sant'Egidio: “Death penalty has been reversed by the Upper Court"

02/08/02 - Sudan - Abok Alfa Akok, 18, a Sudanese Dinka woman is pregnant and she was sentenced to be stoned to death for adultery - Urgent Appeal

02/07/02 - Italy-Nigeria - 192 inmates in the prison of Rome sign the appeal of the Community of Sant’Egidio to save Safiya

02/02/02 - Texas/USA - On Feb. 21st the execution of Thomas Miller El is scheduled. By Feb. 15th the Supreme Court will take a decision.We invite all to send an urgent appeal to save Thomas, to Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles

Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

02/14/02 - Louisiana/USA - The execution of Leslie Dale Martin was called off by the U.S. Supreme Court less than half an hour before he was scheduled to die

02/14/02 - California/USA - A federal appeals court overturned the death sentence David Ghent, who spent 23 years on death row and whose execution was scheduled in some days

02/13/02 - Maryland/USA - Md. court delays Oken's execution

02/10/02 - Florida/USA - Another Florida Execution Stayed by Supreme Court

02/09/02 - Florida/USA - “This is a judicially imposed moratorium on the death penalty in Florida," said death penalty opponent Michael Radelet, a sociology professor and leading authority on capital punishment in Florida

02/07/02 - USA - Legislative updates in some States

02/05/02 - California/USA - Federal Appeals Court commuted death sentence of Benjamin Wai Silva

Other issues

02/14/02 - Jordan - Other three executions

02/14/02 - USA - Can Catholics Decree Death? - Justice Antonin Scalia has let the cat loose

02/13/02 - Texas/USA - Texan newspapers on the case of Johnny Paul Penry

02/13/02 - USA - Controversy On Death Penalty - Can judges decide to never impose it? Judges and Capital Punishment

02/13/02 - Virginia/USA - Panel rejects ban on executing mentally retarded

02/13/02 - Italy - Florida/USA - Our interview with Dale Recinella, the lay Catholic chaplain for Florida’s death-row and spiritual advisor to several inmates

02/12/02 - Florida/USA - Justices' review of death penalty met with shock

02/12/02 - Malaysia - Drug trafficker gets death penalty

02/11/02 - Bangladesh - Government proposes capital punishment for the men found guilty of disfiguring women with acid

02/11/02 - Florida/USA - Florida Death Penalty Under Scrutiny

02/11/02 - Jordan - 2 men, a Jordanian and an Egyptian national, were hanged

02/11/02 - USA - Scalia again on death penalty

02/11/02 - Texas/USA - Updates about the case of Thomas Miller El , whose execution is scheduled on Feb. 21st - (see our appeal)

02/10/02 - Louisiana/USA - Ex-guard: Death Row inmates 'have no remorse'

02/09/02 - Missouri/USA - Michael Owsley, 40, was executed

02/08/02 - Japan - On Japan's death row, any day could be the last

02/08/02 - USA - 2 cases, 2 races, 2 decisions on death penalty (the black voices

02/08/02 - USA - Scalia Questions Church's Position

02/08/02 - Russia - “Russia would be committing a grave mistake if it reintroduced the death penalty”, said Anatloj Pristavkin, an adviser to President Vladimir Putin and the former head of a pardons commission 

02/08/02 - Yemen - Two Yemeni men have been executed by firing squad

02/07/02 - Virginia/USA - Virginia needs a moratorium on the death penalty. A famous legislator and death penalty supporter explains why

02/07/02 - Kuwait - Kuwaiti Cop Sentenced to Death

02/07/02 - Oklahoma/USA - David Wayne Woodruff, 42, was executed

02/07/02 - California/USA - The killing routine:The unusual report of a journalist who witnessed the execution of Stephen Wayne Anderson at San Quentin

02/07/02 - China - 12 executions in few days

02/06/02 - Sudan - Abok Alfa Akok, 18, was convicted to be stoned to death

02/06/02 - Russia - Pravda: death penalty in Russia: for and against

02/06/02 - Illinois/USA - Illinois to Reform Death Penalty

02/05/02 - USA - Death penalty opposition seen in keeping with church tradition

02/05/02 - Texas/USA - Randal Hafdahl was executed

02/05/02 - Saudi Arabia - Saudi man was beheaded

02/04/02 - Russia - “Death penalty has to be abolished, as life sentence is enough, even for those who committed the most heinous crimes”, said Minister of Justice Iuri Chiaka

02/04/02 - USA - US Supreme Court Justice Scalia rejects church view on death penalty

02/02/02 - California /USA - California Gubernatorial Candidate Open to Moratorium

02/02/02 - Oklahoma/USA - David Wayne Woodruff, 42, was executed



february 17, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
1st Sunday of Lent

february 18, Monday: Memory of the Poor

february 19, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

february 20, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

february 21, Thursday: Memory of the Church
Memory of San Pier Damiani (1007 1072). Faithful to the monastic vocation, he loved all the Church and spent his life trying to reform it. Memory of monks in every part of the world.

february 22, Friday: Memory of the apostles
Cathedra of Saint Peter Apostle.

february 23, Saturday: Sunday Vigil
Memory of St Policarpo, disciple of the apostle John and Bishop of Smirne. He was martyred in AD 155.

february 24, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Second Sunday of Lent

february 25, Monday: Memory of the Poor

february 26, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

february 27, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

february 28, Thursday: Memory of the Church

march 1, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

march 2, Saturday: Sunday Vigil






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February 7th 2002

Comunit� di Sant'Egidio: 34th Anniversary




Goma (R.D. Congo)

Relief for people struck by volcano eruption



Latest News

on the Program
of AIDS prevention
and therapy in Mozambique



Relief for the Afghan Refugees

An aid program promoted by Peace People and The Rainbow Country



Friends in the World

the site section on solidarity with friends from all over the world




The new Home Page

of Site section "NO to death penalty"



New on the Web site

Bahasa Indonesia:

- Para sahabat


- Los Amigos


- Les Amis


- Os Amigos


- The Friends




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