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The youth of Benin against the stigma and isolation of the elderly

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On Sunday 26 July, the Youth for Peace of Sant'Egidio in Benin celebrated the day of Saints Joachim and Anna with a party with the elderly of the centre Little sisters of the poor, in the district of Tokan in Calavi, a small town near the capital Cotonou .  s, and continued with a lunch accompanied by music and traditional songs.

The day began with a liturgy animated by the youth together with the elderly and many local resident

Over the years, the festival of 26 July with the youth has become an unrenounceable tradition for the elderly of Calavi, but also an important sign for Benin, which contrasts with the widespread mentality in the country according to which the elderly are still the victims of many prejudices and  are often accused of witchcraft, stigmatised and isolated.

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