Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Anno 1 - Numero 6 - 12/08/2001




The Word of God Every Day: This is the title of the book edited by Mons. Vincenzo Paglia proposing a continuous reading of the Scripture with short and meaningful comments. The �thread� of the daily reading and listening of the Word of God accompanies the Community of Sant�Egidio wherever it is: �Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path� says Psalm 119. This book is a way to get closer to the pages of the Scripture: Alessandro Zuccari writes in the introduction to the book: �Confusion and the fast rhythms of life are so taking that make it difficult to find a space for reflection and prayer. Some other times it may be hard to find the right words to address ourselves to the Lord. Nevertheless Jesus says to the disciples that �at all time they ought to pray�.

At the heart of many events, of various experiences and numerous concerns (the cure to AIDS, the news about Safiya case, the new space for the �Friends without limits�, the commemoration of the Sho� and the rally against the resurgent anti-Semitism, the new expression of solidarity with Africa, the meeting with the Muslim during Ramadan and so much more�), at the very heart of our Communities, lies the reading and listening of the Word of God. Listening becomes a path, day after day, starting from the Advent that the Church celebrates recalling us all to the fundamental dimension of waiting and indicating the way to the Christmas of the Lord.



12/06/01 - Buenos Aires (Argentina) - �El sue�o de Sant�Egidio�

12/05/01 - Padova - Malam Mane, a child from Guinea Bissau, has arrived to Italy to be operated.

12/04/01 - Budapest (Hungary) - Solidarity to the Jewish Community

12/03/01 - Corriere della Sera - Diary of a Believer who found Jesus among the Foreigners

12/03/01 - News on the Web: Mental Disabled People, our Friends without Limits

12/03/01 - Rome/Florence/Antwerpen - Celebration of the Iftar

12/02/01 - From Maputo �Where AIDS is a Real Nightmare, as Anthrax could be�

12/02/01 - Radio 3 RAI (Italy) - Don Matteo Zuppi leads �Prima Pagina�

12/02/01 - Avvenire: �Mozambique: here AIDS is treated at home�

12/01/01 - Milan (Italy) - Young Christians and Muslims for Peace

12/01/01 - Avvenire �Labaro: New Rooms to Sant�Egidio for the Poor People�

12/01/01 - W�rzburg (Germany) - March in Memory of the Jews Deportation

12/01/01 - Genova (Italy) - Presentation of the Project for AIDS Treatment in Mozambique

12/01/01 - Corriere Sette: A pill will save Africa?

12/01/01 - News from the Country of the Rainbow

11/30/01 - Matola (Mozambique) - News from the Home Care Service: Drinking Water is the First Cure for many Ill People.

11/30/01 - Rome - International Day of the Disabled People: a Reception by "Pane, Amore e Fantasia"

11/30/01 - Books: "The Word of God every Day".

11/27/01 - P�cs (Hungary) - Conference "Peace is God's Name, a Step on the pathway of Dialogue"

11/25/01 - Rome - "I need you": the Elderly demonstrate asking for a new Immigration Law improving the Immigrants' Integration.

11/25/01 - Istanbul (Turkey) - A Delegation of the Community visits the Patriarch Bartholomeos I�

11/24/01 - Presentation of the anti-AIDS Program in Mozambique



The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

12/05/01 - Texas/USA - Urgent appeals - Thomas Joe Miller-El (Texas) is scheduled for execution on febbraio 21, 2002

Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

12/06/01 - Nigeria - Safiya got a stay of the execution, but we will struggle with her for a commutation

11/24/01 - Nigeria - According to Misna, Safiya Tungar Tudu, sentenced to death by stoning, got a stay

Other issues

12/06/01 - Egypt - Egypt rejects Fontaine�s accusation about death penalty and human rights

12/06/01 - USA - In order to obtain the extradition of the Islamic terrorists from Europe, U.S. could even promise not to use death penalty

12/06/01 - Nigeria - Women Storm Lagos Governor's Office, Plead for Safiya's Life

12/03/01 - Iran - U.N. committee approved a statement against human rights violations in Iran, including a growing number of executions and crackdowns on freedom of expression and freedom of the press

12/03/01 - Rwanda - Two men sentenced to death for war crimes

12/03/01 - North Carolina/USA - John H. Rose put to death

12/02/01 - Italy - Italian Parlamentarians present questions on the case of Safya

12/01/01 - California/USA - Reluctance to Execute Women May Save woman

12/01/01 - Turkey - 3 leftist militants sentenced to death

12/01/01 - Italy - �Even today we cannot avoid to condemn death penalty�, says Jacques Santer, former President of European Commission

11/29/01 - Nigeria - Rights Group Assures of Fair Hearing for Safiya

11/29/01 - Swaziland - Senate wants 12 speedier executions

11/29/01 - North Carolina/USA - Pope asks clemency for John Hardy Rose, whose execution is scheduled on Nov. 30th�

11/29/01 - Florida/USA - Save Money by Halting Executions

11/29/01 - Nigeria - Open letter to save Safiya (and the newborn)

11/27/01 - Oklahoma/USA - Police Chemist's Missteps Cause Okla. Scandal

11/27/01 - Sudan - Two burglars were executed

11/27/01 - European Union - US argue and press UE for extraditing suspect terrorists

11/27/01 - Spain - U.S. Death Penalty Stops Spain Extraditing Suspects



december 9, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Second Sunday of Advent. Thanksgiving for the days of the Lord.

december 10, Monday: Memory of the Poor

december 11, Tuesday: Memory of the Church

december 12, Wednesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord
Memory of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico.

december 13, Thursday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

december 14, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

december 15, Saturday: Sunday Vigil
Memory of Gigi, a child from Naples who died violently. With him we remember all of the children who suffer or who have died because of the violence of men and women. Prayer for all children.

december 16, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Third Sunday of Advent. Thanksgiving for the days of the Lord. For Muslims it is the end of Ramadan, the month of fasting (�Aid-l fitr).

december 17, Monday: Memory of the Poor
Memory of Lazarus of Bethany. Prayer for all those who are gravely ill and for the dying. Memory of those who have died of AIDS. For Muslims today is the feast of the breaking of the fast of the month of Ramadan.

december 18, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

december 19, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

december 20, Thursday: Memory of the Church

december 21, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

december 22, Saturday: Sunday Vigil






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Word of God
every day

a book for personal prayer



Safiya Hussaini

got a stay of the execution




I need you

Elderly and Foreigner together for the Work Right



December 1st

World AIDS Day
The Community�s initiatives



Rigiocattolo for Africa

A used toys sale to support the program of AIDS prevention and therapy in Africa



Solidarity to the Jewish Communities

and Budapest



Celebration of the Iftar

with the Muslim




Relief for the Afghan Refugees



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New on the Web site


- Help for flood victims in the Sudan

- Relief for the Afghan Refugees


- An hospital for Africa




Copyright � 2001 Comunit� di Sant'Egidio