Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Year 2 - Number 11 - 05/25/2002




Today it is the young people to insist on the need of building peace. They do it by reminding us of a fundamental right for all: the right to study.

This is the message of the events that the �Country of the Rainbow� is organizing in many European countries, in Africa and in Asia. These events are days of celebration, feast and meetings to say that �school is beautiful� and that school is a right that belongs to everyone wherever they may be born, whatever their gender and economical condition.

It is not a commitment of a day, but it accompanies the life of the Community as witnessed by the �Schools of Peace� that have been realized in many places, in Europe and in the South of the world.

We read in the motivation of the International Montessori Prize for Education and Peace, conferred to the Community just a few days ago: �in the experience of the Community of Sant�Egidio, was clear that war and violence are the mother of all poverty and thus also of hatred. From this idea the schools of the community began to be called �Schools of Peace�. They were created and still operate all over the world. Within these communities instruction is proposed as a free choice and satisfaction of the need of the individual and of the group. It is the proposition of a culture that does not separate or divide but that enables people who are believers or not to live a true life�.

And a school, a beautiful brick building, wide and fully equipped, will be inaugurated next week in Chibuto, the village that was reconstructed in Mozambique after the tragic flood of 2000. The construction of the school was made possible thanks to the collections that the children of the Schools of Peace have made and also through the support that many have given through the pages of the site. The children of Chibuto can go back to school.
Once again solidarity, also the one on line, has given its fruits and we thank everyone!



05/24/02 - Chibuto (Mozambique) - The children of Chibuto can go back to school

05/20/02 - Padova (Italy) - "Gospel for Africa" a Concert for Guinea Bissau

05/18/02 - News on the Web Site: the Book "Kukes 1999" in French

05/16/02 - Goma (D.R. of Congo) - Two Letters Saying "Thank You" for the Aid to the Victims of the Volcano Eruption

05/15/02 - The International Montessori Prize "Education and Peace" to the Community of Sant'Egidio

05/14/02 - Budapest (Hungary) - The Community of Sant'Egidio in Prayer for the Holy Land

05/13/02 - Napoli (Italy) - Support Campaign to the Anti-AIDS Program



The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

05/22/02 - Texas/USA - The execution of Napoleon Beazley will be carried out next May 28th. Napoleon was sentenced to death when�he was juvenile, 17 years old. We call for everybody to subscribe our urgent appeal so that his life is spared.�(EN)

05/20/02 - Missouri/USA - Urgent Appeal - William R. Jones, has been for 7 years on death row. He asked for our help. You can send the petition and use the form on the web-site (in English, French, German).

05/18/02 - Japan - Seijiro Yamano - aged 64. (EN)�

05/12/02 - Pakistan - Zafran Bibi (Pakistan) -�aged 26 - was sentenced to death by stoning for adultery.� (EN)

Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

05/18/02 - Missouri/USA - Missouri Supreme Court delays Christopher Simmons execution to June 5. (EN)�

05/17/02 - Texas/USA - Henry Dunn was granted a reprieve by the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals, only few hours before the execution.� (IT-EN)� (see our urgent appeal)

05/11/02 - Maryland/USA - Gov. Glendening Declares Death Penalty Moratorium. (EN)

Other issues

05/23/02 - Texas/USA - Martinez 'grateful' for letter - Victim's mother trying to stop man's execution.�(EN)

05/23/02 - Uganda - The Chief of Military Intelligence and army MP, Lt.Col. Noble Mayombo Supports Death Penalty.�(EN)

05/23/02 - Nigeria - Sariyyu Moham-med Baranda was convicted to death by stoning.�(EN)

05/23/02 - USA - Death penalty deception. (The Washington Times).�(EN)

05/23/02 - Maryland/USA - Doing race to death.Moratorium in Maryland after many cases of death sentences with an evident racial bias.�(EN)

05/23/02 - Texas/USA - On Tex. Death Row, Old Issues Renewed (Washington Post).�(EN)

05/23/02 - Illinois/USA - Illinois Governor Proposes Death Penalty Revisions.�(EN)

05/23/02 - USA - Reform Judaism Magazine Addresses Capital Punishment: the faith's historical reasoning for opposing capital punishment.�(EN)

05/23/02 - Saudi Arabia - A Saudi woman and an Ethiopian man were beheaded.�(EN)

05/23/02 - Pakistan - Zafran assured of support in stoning to death case.�(EN)

05/22/02 - Maryland/USA - Death penalty debate revived, after the decision of the Governor. �(EN)

05/22/02 - USA - Digging a grave for capital punishment? - State moratoriums have some in the U.S. predicting the end is near. (Toronto Globe). (EN)

05/21/02 - USA - Events give 101 reasons to end death penalty, cardinal Mc Carrick, Archbishop of Washington, says. (EN)

05/21/02 - Florida/USA - Amnesty International wants U.S. to investigate Frank Valdes� death on death row. (EN)

05/21/02 - Louisiana/USA - Leslie Martin was executed. (IT)

05/21/02 - Bangladesh - Mofazzal Hossain, 45, was executed by hanging. It was the first execution after 14 years.� (EN)

05/21/02 - Russia - Officials urge Putin to reinstate death penalty.� (EN)

05/21/02 - USA - Time to kill death penalty? U.S. opposition to `national shame' of Death Row grows. (EN)

05/21/02 - Giordania - A man and a woman executed together by hanging, after being convicted for the murder of her husband. (IT)

05/20/02 - Philippines - Under Oreta Aquino�s initiative, death penalty for juveniles will be banned. (EN)

05/20/02 - Texas/USA - Ronford Styron, 32, was executed. (IT-EN)

05/20/02 - Saudi Arabia - Two men were beheaded in Riyadh. (EN)

05/19/02 - Pakistan - Zafran, the woman condenned by lapidation with the accusation of adultry has presented a request for acquittal. (IT)�(see our urgent appeal)

05/19/02 - Kenya - Not Hanging Could Be Cruel? (The Nation � Nairobi). (EN)�

05/19/02 - New York/USA - For Death Penalty, a Day of Reckoning. (EN)�

05/19/02 - Alabama/USA - Lynda Lyon Block, 53, was the last person to be executed with the electric chair, that in July will be abolished in Alabama. (IT-EN-FR)�

05/19/02 - Texas/USA - Johnny Martinez. His date of execution is scheduled on May 22nd. Victim's Mom asks parole board to spare son's murderer. (EN)

05/19/02 - Texas/USA - Reginald Reeves, 28, was executed. (IT-EN)

05/18/02 - Georgia/USA - How many innocent people on death row? (The Atlanta Journal Constitution).�� (EN)�

05/18/02 - Kenya/UN - Kenya Shuns UN Vote On Death Penalty. (EN)�

05/18/02 - Pakistan - 2 Afghan nationals hanged. (EN)�

05/18/02 - New York/USA - 19 law professors who oppose the death penalty, signed a brief which shows how the State Constitution bans every cruel and unusual punishment. (EN)

05/17/02 - USA - Take it from one who knows: death penalty system is broken.Ray Krone describes his terrible experience.� (EN)

05/17/02 - Italy - Nothern Italy newspapers describe the meetings organized by the Community of Sant�Egidio in several cities with Bill Pelke, prominent American abolitionist.� (EN)

05/17/02 - Iran - A man was hanged with a public execution.� (IT)

05/16/02 - Indonesia - Indonesia sentences Malaysian to death for bombing.� (EN)

05/14/02 - Italy - The World Coalition against death penalty was born in Rome yesterday, with the participation of the Mayors of Rome, Washington, Barcelona, Grenoble and numerous personalities.� (IT-EN-FR)

05/12/02 - Tailand - Amnesty International urged the Thai Prime Minister to scrap the death penalty, following five executions last week.� (IT)



may 26, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Feast of the Holy Trinity Memorial of St. Philip Neri (1515-1595) "apostle of Rome"

may 27, Monday: Memory of the Poor
Memorial of St. Augustine of Canterbury (died in 605), bishop and father of the English Church.

may 28, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord
Memorial of Saints Addai e Mari, Founders of the Chaldean Church.

may 29, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

may 30, Thursday: Memory of the Church

may 31, Friday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord
Feast of the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth

june 1, Saturday: Sunday Vigil

june 2, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Feast of the Body of the Lord

june 3, Monday: Memory of the Poor
Memorial of St. Charles Lwanga who together with twelve companions suffered martyrdom in Uganda (1886). Memorial of John XXIII, blessed and bishop of Rome; Opened Vatican Council II.

june 4, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

june 5, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Memorial of St. Boniface, bishop and martyr. Proclaimed the Gospel in Germany and was killed while celebrating the Eucharist (+754)

june 6, Thursday: Memory of the Church

june 7, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

june 8, Saturday: Sunday Vigil






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May 26th
is beautiful"

International Gathering of the "Rainbow Country"



The Montessori International Prize
"Education and Peace"

Awarded to the Community of Sant'Egidio



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The name of God

Biblical Issues from the Old Testament




World Coalition
Death Penalty

Rome, May 13th 2002





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- Kukes 1999




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