Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Anno 1 - Numero 3 - 10/26/2001




We are passing trough difficult times and the future appears uncertain. How will the evens following the 11th of September develop? Some may read in them the beginning of a world wide war. Others only find in them an answer to terrorism. Nobody can easily foresee the events that will take place in the next few months. Many are, in fact the actors and many are the unknown elements. All our societies feel more vulnerable.

It is not by chance that, in this period, Christian Communities gather to pray for peace. It is the spontaneous invocation that rises from the heart of many men and women who are living in a situation of war, of the many who are hit by violence and terrorism, of the refugees, of those who are suffering. The Church has always prayed for peace. But in the Twentieth Century there has been almost a leap in conscience: it became aware of the destructive power of war and weapons, of the legacy of hatred they produce, of the evil they generate in the depth of the life of the peoples.

There is hatred and violence in many parts of the world. The Community of Sant'Egidio, all over the world, insistently prays for peace. This prayer arises from the daily contact with many painful situations, with the scars of war in Mozambique or in Gunea Bissau, with the still open wounds of Congo or Angola or in other parts of the world.

This prayer is intimately connected with the daily work of the Community for the others, especially for the poor, because solidarity is one of the faces of peace and development. As Paul VI said, solidarity is the name of peace.



10/26/01 - Terni - International Forum on Monsignor Romero

10/22/01 - Rome - Celebration in Honour of Professor Elio Toaff's 50 Years Rabbinate

10/20/01 - Rome - The Preaching of Cardinal F. E. George in Santa Maria in Trastevere

10/20/01 - Rome - Regione Lazio Candidates the Community of Sant'Egidio for the Peace Nobel Prize

10/20/01 - Khartoum (Sudan) - Aid to the Victims of the Flood

10/20/01 - Madrid (Spain) - Prayer for Peace

10/18/01 - Rome - Conference of the Prince of Jordan

10/18/01 - Milan (Italy) - Ecumenical Prayer for Peace

10/18/01 - Budapest (Hungary) - Conference: "Religions Want Peace"

10/17/01 - Antwerpen (Belgium) - The Meeting between Queen Paola and the Representatives of the Muslim and Jewish Communities

10/17/01 - El Salvador - The Aid Campaign to the Victims of the Earthquake continues

10/17/01 - Lome (Togo) - One Thousand Chickens to Give a Job to the Young People

10/17/01 - 2001 Rigiocattolo

10/15/01 - Terni (Italy) - Together for Africa

10/15/01 - Torino (Italy) - The Bible and the Coran: the Ways of Peace Go throught the Holy Scriptures

10/14/01 - Padova (Italy) - "The Colours of Friendship"

10/14/01 - Messina (Italy) - "I have a Go to School"

10/14/01 - Rome - Meeting of Prayer for the Muslims in the Rebibbia Prison

10/14/01 - Dublin (Ireland) - Presentation of the Book "Sant'Egidio, Rome and the world"

10/14/01 - Rome - There is no Future without Memory: a March in Memory of the Deportation of the Roman Jews

10/13/01 - Rome - "War is never Fair". The Preaching of Cardinal F. Etsou in Santa Maria in Trastevere

10/13/01 - Parma (Italy) - "Small Voices against Big Injustices"



The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

10/18/01 - United Nations - Kofi Annan Wins Nobel Peace Prize, for his commitment for human rights. In Dec. he received signatures for a moratorium of death penalty - 13/10/01

Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

10/25/01 - North Carolina/USA - Judge vacated death sentence for Bobby Lee Harris, appaeared in Benetton�s anti-capital punishment campaign - 23/10/01

10/23/01 - Texas/USA - Death sentence of David Allen Gardner, 44, was transformed into life sentence 18/10/01�

10/18/01 - Kentucky/USA - Gov. seeks ends to juvenile executions- 17/10/01

10/18/01 - USA - Two Death Sentences Overturned by Federal Courts: Addicted Judge in Arizona and Mentally Ill Inmate in Arkansas- 13/10/01

Other issues

10/25/01 - Virginia-Oklahoma/USA - Christopher James Beck (VA) and Alvie James Hale (OK) were executed in Virginia- 19/10/01

10/25/01 - Texas/USA - Groups Oppose Execution of Gerald Mitchell - 22/10/01

10/25/01 - Missouri/USA - Stephen Johns was executed� - 24/10/01

10/25/01 - Texas/USA - Gerald Mitchell, Juvenile Offender Executed� - 23/10/01

10/25/01 - USA - A Penalty the People Do Not Want (Washington Post)- 21/10/01�

10/23/01 - China - On Death Row, China's Source of Transplants - 19/10/01

10/23/01 - Philippines - Gloria shrugs off Church stand on death - 18/10/01

10/23/01 - Uganda - NGO Repeats Plea to Abolish Death Penalty - 17/10/01

10/23/01 - Malawi - Malawi Politician risks to be sentenced to death, being charged of treason.- 17/10/01

10/23/01 - China - 5 Uighur men sentenced to death - 18/10/01

10/18/01 - Jordan - Man executed by hanging- 12/10/01

10/18/01 - New Mexico/USA - Catholic Activists Ask for Commutation of Death Sentenc for Terry Clark - 10/10/01

10/18/01 - USA - 'Shot in the Heart', a serial on TV on death penalty- 12/10/01

10/18/01 - European Union - Curbs urged on extraditing terrorists to US- 12/10/01�

10/17/01 - Arizona/USA - Former Judge Criticizes Death Penalty- 11/10/01�

10/17/01 - New York/USA - Governor seeks to expand death penalty law - 11/10/01�

10/17/01 - Philippines - Moratorium ends up: 2 kidnappers lined up for death needle - 10/10/01

10/14/01 - Montenegro/Yugoslavia - Montenegro warned over death penalty by Council of Europe - 12/10/01�

10/14/01 - North Carolina/USA - David Junior Ward, 39, was executed - 12/10/01

10/14/01 - Indonesia - President wants tougher penalty, (death penalty too) for drug dealers - 11/10/01

10/14/01 - Texas/USA - Gerald Micthell, Texas man set to die on Oct. 22nd for killing as a teen - 10/10/01

10/14/01 - Japan - Child killer loses death penalty appeal - 10/10/01



october 28, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Thanksgiving for the day of the Lord. We remember the apostles Simon of Canaa, called the zealot, and Judas son of James.

october 29, Monday: Memory of the Poor

october 30, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

october 31, Wednesday: Memory of the apostles

november 1, Thursday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Feast of All the Saints who have preceded us in the faith.

november 2, Friday: Memory of the Church
Feast of all those who sleep in Christ. We particularly remember those who are not remembered by anyone and we remember all our brothers and sisters who have died.

november 3, Saturday: Sunday Vigil

november 4, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Thanksgiving for the day of the Lord. Memory of San Carlo Borromeo.

november 5, Monday: Memory of the Poor
Memory of the priest Zacharias - father of John the Baptist - who remained silent because he did not believe the word of God. Memory of Elizabeth, who in her old age conceived a son, John the Baptist. Memory of the elderly. Special memory of all the elderly who have died this year in institutions and alone.

november 6, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

november 7, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Memory of St. Willibrord (739), archbishop of Utrecht, who was the first to announce the Gospel in Holland. Prayer for all those who work with the poor and announce the Gospel in that country.

november 8, Thursday: Memory of the Church

november 9, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified
Feast of the dedication of the cathedral of Rome, the Basilica of Jesus the Saviour, in Lateran, that of S. John the Baptist. Memory of kristallnacht, the night of crystal, the start of the Nazi persecution of the Jews.

november 10, Saturday: Sunday Vigil
Memory of Pope Leo the Great.




  28/10/2001 04/11/2001
La Domenica con Ges� Il fariseo e il pubblicano Zaccheo
L'artista della settimana Giovanni Prestigiacomo: Siamo amici della natura
Un'idea per.. Quaderni e Arte: la rilegatura
Anche le foto parlano Il dolore per la guerra Bambini mozambicani



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Community of Sant'Egidio and the work for Peace



There is no Future without Memory

A March in Memory of the Deportation of the Roman Jews



Kukes 1999

The Community in Albania during the war in Kosovo




Senate backs a proposal of moratorium



Duc in Altum

Commento alle letture delle domeniche dell'anno A



The Rigiocattolo

A used toys sale with the purpose of supporting solidarity activities in Africa



Sant'Egidio, Rome and the world

Presentation of the interview book to Andrea Riccardi



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