Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Anno 1 - Numero 5 - 11/24/2001




The light of Assisi

We often insisted on this difficult time of war, terrorism ad violence. The theme of peace resonates on these pages. It is a concern present in many of the activities of the Community. It is some days now that we have on these pages a section dedicated to peace. Here we reflect the present concerns and here one can find some lines of the work of the Community.

One concern is not to forget the situations of conflict and abandonment. Like the Italian who had been kidnapped in Columbia together with two other colleagues of his (today there is another Italian who has been taken by another armed group). The Community worked for his liberation, first of all remembering him and then, with the help of the Columbians, by having him released for humanitarian reasons. It is just a drop in the great sea of the many men and women who are kidnapped, detained, forgotten all over the world. The great work of many organizations, think about Amnesty International, shed light on the existence of these forgotten of the earth.

A light of hope in this complex framework, comes from the statement of John Paul II regarding a meeting of religions to be held in Assisi, to pray for peace on January 24th 2002: � in this historical moment humanity needs to see signs of peace and to listen to words of hope�. We would like Assisi to be a light, as it was the prayer in 1986. But it is not only an image to contemplate, it is something to which everyone can take part in. The Pope asked the Catholics to join the fast of Ramadan, a time of prayer and purification for the Muslim, on the 14th of December. This sign shows the profound concord that exists between religions in their will for peace.



11/22/01 - Medellin (Colombia) - The Liberation of Gaetano Izzia, the Italian kidnapped in Colombia. Interview to Riccardo Cannelli

11/21/01 - Vatican City - The Pope grants Audience to the Representatives of Sant'Egidio in the World

11/21/01 - Toledo (Spain) - Prayer for Peace

11/21/01 - Goba (Mozambique) - The Activities of the Surgery of the Community of Sant'Egidio continue

11/21/01 - Avvenire: "Assisi, a Bridge between two Centuries"

11/19/01 - Napoli (Italy) - The Prize "Marcello Candia, a Life for the Others" has been awarded to the Community

11/18/01 - Novara (Italy) - Memory of the First Massacre of Jews in Italy

11/17/01 - Genova (Italy) - The First Container Left for the Central Hospital of Maputo, Mozambique

11/17/01 - Torino (Italy) - The Speech of Andrea Riccardi at the Congress "Christians and Political Engagement"

11/16/01 - Books: Italian as a Friend

11/16/01 - Rome - Elderly and Foreigners together for the Right to Work

11/13/01 - Panorama: "The Match is played and won in Africa"

11/11/01 - Medellin (Colombia) - An Italian Workman, Prisoner for more that one Year, was set Free



The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

11/19/01 - Italy - George White, the founder of the Association of Murder Victims Families met University students in Milan

11/19/01 - Italy - Venice for life. The Council and the Community of Sant�Egidio present the initiative against the death penalty

11/19/01 - Italy - Not in our name!�In Trieste George and William, special testimonials against death penalty, meet students and people

Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

11/20/01 - Pennsylvania/USA - Another Death Penalty Conviction Overturned�

11/16/01 - Georgia/USA - U.S. appeals court stays execution of Georgia killer

Other issues

11/21/01 - Italy - Gorbaciov, Andreotti and Gonzalez celebrate in Florence the anniversary of the abolition of death penalty in Tuscany

11/21/01 - Thailand - The executions of drug-traffickers can be broadcasted

11/21/01 - USA - Catholic Bishops Renew Call to End the Death Penalty

11/20/01 - Ohio/USA - Governor abolishes electric chair

11/20/01 - Georgia/USA - Fred Gilreath, 63, was executed�

11/19/01 - New-Mexico/USA - New Mexico Governor Convinced that Innocent People Have Been Executed

11/16/01 - Texas/USA - Texas executes man who received Sept. 11 reprieve

11/16/01 - Nigeria - The Sokoto State government has declared that the Federal Government can not change the judgement of death sentence by stoning passed on Hajiya Safiyatu Husseini by the Gwadabawa Upper Sharia Court

11/14/01 - USA - Mgr. Wilton Gregory, the new President of U.S. Catholic Episcopal Conference, is in he front line against the death penalty

11/13/01 - USA - Public outcry can stem executions, says opponent of death penalty

11/13/01 - USA - Washington Post: Executions Decrease For the 2nd Year: lowest number since 1996

11/13/01 - Asia - Appeal of Amnesty International to the Asiatic Countries in Bali: Death penalty is not the answer

11/13/01 - USA - Death-penalty doubts

11/11/01 - Iran - Hossein Talkhabi, 26 and Abolfazl Dehgan, 19, were hunged

11/11/01 - South Korea - Cardinal Kim to press politicians for abolition of death penalty

11/11/01 - Florida/USA - Bishop takes on death penalty - Call for moratorium goes to the pews

11/11/01 - China - U.N. Official Fears China Uses Terror War as Front for Executions of members of Turkish minority and Falun Gong�

11/11/01 - Ghana - Acting Chief Justice Edward Kwame Wiredu challenges Parliament stating his preference for capital punishment



november 25, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Thanksgiving for the days of the Lord.

november 26, Monday: Memory of the Poor

november 27, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

november 28, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

november 29, Thursday: Memory of the Church

november 30, Friday: Memory of the apostles
Feast of Saint Andrew Apostle. He preached the Gospel in Greece and died, according to a tradition, crucified like his Lord. Memory of the Church of Constantinople and that of Romania.

december 1, Saturday: Sunday Vigil
Memory of Brother Charles de Foucauld, witness of the Gospel in the silence of prayer, killed December 1st, 1916 in Tamarasset by a band of Tuaregh bandits.

december 2, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
First Sunday of Advent

december 3, Monday: Memory of the Poor
Memory of Saint Francis Xavier, Jesuit and witness of the Gospel in India and Japan.

december 4, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord
Memory of Saint John of Damascus, priest and doctor of the Church in the seventh century.

december 5, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

december 6, Thursday: Memory of the Church
Memory of Saint Nicolas (circa 350), saint of the East, venerated in Bari and in all the East. He was the bishop of southern Turkey.

december 7, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified
Memory of Saint Ambrose (circa 397), bishop of Milan. Shepard of his people, he was particularly strong faced with the power of the emperor.

december 8, Saturday: Sunday Vigil
Memory of the Mother of the Lord, Immaculate Virgin






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December 1st

World AIDS Day




I need you

Elderly and Foreigner together for the Work Right




Rigiocattolo for Africa

A used toys sale to support the program of AIDS prevention and therapy in Africa



Relief for the Afghan Refugees



An Italian Workman was set free

thanks to the intervention of the Community of Sant'Egidio



Italian as a Friend

second volume
Course in Italian for foreigners




Community of Sant'Egidio and the work for Peace



Journey of Hope

Venice for life



New on the Web site


- The Aged


- Relief for the Afghan Refugees


- Relief for the Afghan Refugees


- Friends on the street


- Ecumenism and dialogue




Copyright � 2001 Comunit� di Sant'Egidio