Sant'Egidio Newsletter

Year 2 - Number 5 - 03/02/2002




Within the haste of everyday life, Lent comes almost unexpected. Our society does not notice Lent. It is not so for Christmas, everyone recognize it and they all live it as a period of celebration.

But for believers an important time opens, a time that leads to the heart of faith and prepares them to celebrate Easter, the central mystery of the life of a Christian.

For centuries these days have invited to walk on a path of renewal of the heart that is at the same time yearning to personal change and to peace. What can we do?

A Chassidic teacher, rabbi Zussia of Annipol used to say: “When I was young I though I had to change the world. I grew up and I realized that it was not possible and so I set on to change my country. As I grew older I understood that this too would be impossible but that eventually I could change my city. I grew even older and I realized that this too was beyond my ability. Thus I decided to change my family. … Now I am really old and I learned that I must try to change myself”.

To change oneself is beginning to transform the world. This is the message of Lent. Lent, we could say with the words of the Pope is: a providential opportunity” to pause and reflect on our life. In the midst of the thousands things of our day, we can pause and look at the reality with more sensitive eyes, overcoming our indifference and our habits when we confront suffering.

John Paul II in his message for Lent invites all to a “factual generosity towards the poorest brothers and sisters”. He states:” May the Lenten journey be for all believers an unceasing summons to enter more deeply into this special vocation of ours. As believers, we must be open to a life marked by “gratuitousness”, by the giving of ourselves unreservedly to God and neighbour”. Gratuitousness is a way of making the world more human. Gratuitousness is not a well know word in our society, but without it we always run the risk of becoming inhuman.



02/28/02 - How Can One Help? It is Now Possible to Make Online Money Gifts by Credit Card

02/28/02 - Bissau (Guinea) - A Refresher Course for the Medical and Nursing Staff of the Hospital

02/28/02 - Tirana (Albania) - The Surgeries in the North of Albania: a Sign of Aid and Hope

02/27/02 - Milano (Italy) - The Presentation of the Sant'Egidio Foundation for Peace

02/27/02 - Rome - A New Street, "Via Modesta Valenti", to Give an Address to the Homeless People

02/27/02 - The Aid-Raising for the Afghan Refugees was Supported by many People's Solidarity

02/26/02 - Il Secolo XIX - The School of Peace Opens the Door to Solidarity

02/19/02 - Beira (Mozambique) - The New Surgery Built by the Community in the Prisonal Center has been Opened.

02/19/02 - Barcelona (Spain) - The Book “The Words on the Cross” has been Published in Catalan

02/19/02 - Goba (Mozambique) - A “Canisso” Out-patient clinic for the Sant’Egidio Friends

02/19/02 - Goma (Dem. Rep. Of Congo) - The Solidarity Intervention among the Victims of the Volcano Eruption Continues.



Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

02/26/02 - Georgia/USA - Georgia Spares Life and commutes death sentence of Alexander Williams, Condemned Mentally Ill Man.

02/23/02 - Fiji - Fiji Leader Commutes Death Sentence.

02/22/02 - Council of Europe - Ministers of Council of Europe sign a new proptocol for the abolition of death penalty in any circumstance.

02/22/02 - Texas/USA - Thomas Miller El was granted a stay by Supreme Court.

02/21/02 - Georgia/USA - Mentally Ill Juvenile Offender Receives Stay of Execution.

Other issues

02/27/02 - China - Amnesty International Reports: China Prepares to Execute 5 Christians.

02/26/02 - Italy/Nigeria - March 8th 2002, Women Day for Safiya.

02/26/02 - Turkey - Turkish government divided over lifting death penalty.

02/26/02 - Lebanon - Rights body signs Strasbourg anti-death penalty declaration.

02/26/02 - USA - Indecent Executions - Considering death row's mentally retarded inmates.

02/25/02 - Turkey - Turks Consider Lifting Death Penalty.

02/25/02 - USA - Killing costs.

02/24/02 - Texas/USA - Texan newspapers and the case of Andrea Yates: From maternal instincts to killer impulses: Hallucinations, delusions, despair may torment mentally ill mothers who murder.

02/24/02 - USA - National consensus may decide Atkins' fate.

02/24/02 - Italy/Nigeria - Italian football champions play for Safiya.

02/23/02 - Virginia/USA - A House of Delegates panel voted stop the executions of mentally retarded until the U.S. Supreme Court decides.

02/23/02 - Texas/USA - According to the Prosecutor Andrea Yates, was sick, but sane enough to know that she had done wrong.

02/23/02 - Arizona/USA - Arizona Newspaper Urges Suspension of the Death Penalty.

02/23/02 - Libya - 2 Islamic leaders sentenced to death.

02/22/02 - Russia - President Putin says death penalty is useless.

02/22/02 - USA - The O'Connor Factor - Justice Plays Pivotal Role on High Court (The Washington Post)

02/22/02 - Nigeria - President Obasanjo looks with confidence to the future of Safyia.

02/22/02 - Turkey - 4 men sentenced to death for marxism.

02/22/02 - European Union - EU Ministers in search of an agreement with US about extradition of terrorists.

02/21/02 - Virginia/USA - Earl Washington was freed from death row, just one year ago.

02/21/02 - Illinois/USA - Two candidates running for the governor against death penalty.

02/21/02 - USA - Follow-up of Major Death Penalty Study Examines Causes of Error in Capital Cases (the whole text is available on internet).

02/21/02 - Ohio/USA - John Byrd was executed

02/20/02 - Nigeria - The hope for Safyia: her voice alive – RadioRai, available on internet:

02/20/02 - Georgia/USA - Alexander Williams, chronic paranoid schizophrenic, will be executed in a few days.

02/20/02 - Georgia/USA - Prominent Organizations Oppose Execution of Alexander Williams, Mentally Ill Juvenile Offender (scheduled on Feb. 20th)

02/20/02 - Ohio/USA - Upcoming Execution of John Byrd Raises Troubling Questions.

02/20/02 - Texas/USA - Race Is Key in Death Penalty Appeal, says Jim Marcus, Miller’s lawyer.

02/18/02 - Ohio/USA - Judges confirm death sentence: the real killer confesses but it is too late to save an innocent man.

02/18/02 - Russia - Russia Lawmakers Urge Death Penalty

02/16/02 - Texas/USA - Thomas Miller EL - Inmate facing execution may get a reprieve.



march 3, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
3rd Sunday of Lent

march 4, Monday: Memory of the Poor

march 5, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

march 6, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

march 7, Thursday: Memory of the Church

march 8, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

march 9, Saturday: Sunday Vigil

march 10, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
4th Sunday of Lent

march 11, Monday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

march 12, Tuesday: Memory of the Poor
Lent station in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, where the Community of Sant'Egidio gathers for evening prayer.

march 13, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

march 14, Thursday: Memory of the Church

march 15, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

march 16, Saturday: Sunday Vigil






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Spiritual Reading
of the Gospels
of Passion

Le Parole della Croce

Les paraules de la Creuse

Unter dem Kreuz

Onder het kruis



Goba (Mozambique)

A “Canisso” Out-patient clinic for the Sant’Egidio Friends



(R.D. Congo)

Relief for people struck by volcano eruption



On-line Donations
now enabled

with credit card, through secure transaction



Freedom for the prisoners

Are Life and Freedom worth 50 cents?



Relief for the Afghan Refugees

An aid program promoted by Peace People and The Rainbow Country



"I need You"

new manifestations of elderly people in favour of integration of immigrants




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