Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Year 2 - Number 12 - 06/08/2002




The pilgrimage of People of Peace began in Assisi in 1986 . It was then, at the end of the first historical meeting between representatives of the world religions, that the pope asked to �continue to disseminate the message of peace and to live the spirit of Assisi�.

From these words began the commitment of Sant�Egidio to promote meeting and dialogue between men and women who represent different faiths and cultures.
Thus International Meetings People and Religions was born. Since then, every year, the meetings were held in different and meaningful places trying to gather the desire of many people to overcome incomprehension, mistrust, mutual ignorance that are often at the root of many tensions and sometimes of serious conflicts.

The friendship that was born between representatives of different religions and cultures witnesses to the possibility to build a human environment of coexistence.
The next meeting will take place in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, in Palermo, from the 1st to the 3rd of September. The title of the Meeting: �Religions and Cultures between Clash and Dialogue� effectively describes the path of peace we would like to walk together on.
Together, also because, through our web pages we will follow the event live so to be able to subscribe, from many parts of the world, the appeal of peace that once again will rise from Palermo: �War Never Again! May God grant to the whole world and to each and every man and woman the wonderful gift of peace!�



06/04/02 - Bari (Italy) - Celebration with Monsignor Cacucci on the Anniversary of the Community

05/31/02 - Maputo - La solidariet� della Comunit� con le vittime di un grave incidente ferroviario

05/31/02 - Vicolungo (Italy) - "Long Live the Elderly" Organises an Event for Africa

05/31/02 - Wurzburg (Germany)- Celebration of a Liturgy Presided over by Monsignor S. Rylko

05/31/02 - Acqui Terme (Italy) - Presentation of the Anti-AIDS Program in Mozambique

05/29/02 - Rome - Liturgy with the Disabled People in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore

05/28/02 - Rome - Presentation of the Series "The Books of Sant'Egidio"

05/28/02 - Rome - "School is beautiful": the event of the Country of the Rainbow

05/28/02 - Osservatore Romano - Community of Sant'Egidio: the New Centre in Tuscolano has been Opened

05/28/02 - Genova- Celebration with Cardinal Tettamanzi on the Occasion of the Anniversary of the Community



Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

06/07/02 - Pakistan - Zafran Bibi, who was sentenced to death by stoning, acquitted by Court. (IT-EN-FR)

06/04/02 - Nigeria - Amina Lawal is free until 2004. On July 8th the new sentence. (IT-EN-ES)

06/04/02 - Texas/USA - C. V. Burdine, Whose Lawyer Slept at Trial, Gets New Trial. (IT-EN)

Other issues

06/06/02 - Uganda - Fr. Agostani: �My challenge: to abolish the death penalty in Uganda.� (IT)

06/03/02 - China - Chen Zhiqing, treasury official of the Central Bank, was executed for embezzling money. (IT-EN)

06/03/02 - Maryland/USA - �The lottery� of the death penalty. The debate. (EN)

06/02/02 - Turkey - Powerful military willing to accept abolition of death penalty, if Ocalan is never freed. (EN)

06/02/02 - Texas/USA - Stanley Baker, 35, was executed. (IT)

06/01/02 - Japan - Death Penalty Campaigners Target Japan during the World Football Championship. (IT-EN-FR)

05/31/02 - Italy - Death penalty. The unfair row of justice (V. Andreoli). (IT)

05/31/02 - Texas/USA - Many newspapers in the world on the execution of Napoleon Beazley. (IT-EN)

05/30/02 - Russia - Pravda: Russians on the issue of the death penalty. (EN)

05/30/02 - Michigan/USA� - Death-penalty case defense cost $730,000. (EN)

05/29/02 - European Uinion - Europe, one currency and one common root: to reject racism and death penalty, President Prodi said. (IT)

05/29/02 - Texas/USA - Napoleon Beazley was executed for a murder committed at 17. (IT-EN)

05/29/02 - Nigeria - The appeal for Amina Lawal will be examined on June 3rd. (IT)

05/29/02 - Illinois/USA - Clemency push for all 160 on Death Row. The opinion of Gov. Ryan. (EN)

05/29/02 - Maryland/USA - Death penalty issue No. 1. (EN)

05/28/02 - Texas/USA - Interview with Napoleon Beazley, whose esecution is scheduled in a few hours. (EN)

05/28/02 - USA - 230 in House back bill to reform death penalty. (EN)

05/28/02 - Maryland/USA - Abolitionists find a new momentum, also with the support of Jesse Jackson. (EN)

05/28/02 - Pakistan - The case of Zafran Bibi, sentenced to death for adultery, on the New York Times. (EN)

05/28/02 - ONU - UN children's forum concludes after bitter debate. (IT-EN)

05/27/02 - Mali - The government of Mali� approved a draft law suspending the application of the death penalty for 2 years (Misna). (EN)

05/27/02 - Maryland/USA - Eliminating Questions of Life or Death (the Washington Post) (EN)

05/26/02 - USA - The first page of New York Times reports the case of Richard Rossi, sentenced to death in Arizona by a judge who uses drug.� (IT-EN)

05/26/02 - Italy - The catalog of the executioner : the statistics of the death penalty in the world. (il sole 24 ore). (IT)

05/26/02 - Vietnam - Chen Chi Tien, 48, a Taiwan man, was executed for drug-production. (EN)

05/26/02 - Hungary - Prime minister says Hungary should consider reinstatement of death penalty. (EN)

05/25/02 - USA - U.S. Senators Call for Moratorium on Executions.�(EN)

05/25/02 - Iran - Six men were hanged in one day.�(IT-EN)

05/25/02 - Georgia/USA - Judge Notes Expensive Bottom Line in Capital Cases.�(EN)

05/25/02 - Vatican - H.E. Archbishop Francesco Monterisi, Secretary of the Congregation for the Bishops signed the appeal for the Wordl moratorium of the death penalty.



june 9, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

june 10, Monday: Memory of the Poor

june 11, Tuesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Memorial of the apostle Barnabas, Companion of Paul in Antioch and on his first apostolic journey.

june 12, Wednesday: Memory of the Church

june 13, Thursday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord
Memorial of St. Anthony of Padua. Born in Portugal, he met Francis of Assisi and followed him to preach the Gospel.

june 14, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

june 15, Saturday: Sunday Vigil

june 16, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

june 17, Monday: Memory of the Poor

june 18, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

june 19, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Memorial of St. Romuald (950-1027), anchorite and father of the Camoldese monks

june 20, Thursday: Memory of the Church

june 21, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

june 22, Saturday: Sunday Vigil






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