Comunità  di S.Egidio

NO to the Death Penalty 
 International Campaign

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The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

Abolitions, commuttions, moratoria, ... 


Other issues


February 2001

28/02/01 Oklahoma/USA

Cardinal  Francis George against Mc Weigh�s execution .Continua

28/02/01 Pakistan

Haq Nawaz Jhangvi was hanged .Continua

26/02/01 Illinois/USA

Illinois Lawmakers Propose Death Penalty Abolition.Continua

26/02/01 USA

Article about the death penalty in the United Staes.Continua

26/02/01 Japan

"Japan in dock for 'inhuman' treatment on death row Tokyo could have its Council of Europe observer status revoked after delegation is refused access to 'secretive' execution facilities", article.Continua

25/02/01 Illinois/USA

�Impatient For Death Penalty Reforms�, an article in Chicago Tribune updates about the situation in Illinois, after one year of moratorium.Continua

24/02/01 Virginia/USA

Assembly Approves Bill On DNA Tests for Inmates.Continua

24/02/01 Japan

A man on death row commits suicide.Continua

24/02/01 Maryland/USA

Preliminary studies of Maryland's death penalty suggest enough racial bias that the state should wait for further analysis before carrying out more executions, researchers told a Senate committee. A proposal to suspend executions in Maryland until July 2003..Continua

23/02/01 Canada

Lawyer in Canada: Don't Deport Man to China, he could be executed.Continua

23/02/01 China

People were executed  for their role in a multi-billion dollar smuggling scandal.Continua

23/02/01 Afganistan

Taliban Kill Convicted Prostitutes.Continua

22/02/01 Pennsylvania/USA

Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, Archbishop of Philadelphia and the 16 other Catholic Bishops of Pennsylvania have issued a document that restates their opposition to the use of the death penalty.Continua

22/02/01 Tennesee/USA

A man on death row doesn�t want appeals .Continua

22/02/01 Jappan

The head of the Council of Europe's committee on human rights said Wednesday that Japan must consider abolishing the death penalty if it hopes to continue to be an observer nation to the intergovernmental organization.Continua

22/02/01 Somalia

Two Lesbians convicted to death .Continua

21/02/01 China

China: death penalty to data-processing spy.Continua

21/02/01 South Carolina

Court hears plea to stop execution.Continua

21/02/01 USA

Former U.S. Ambassador Felix G. Rohatyn says: "The United States Should Rethink the Death Penalty"�Continua

18/02/01 Iran

A man from Afghanistan was hanged.Continua

18/02/01 Botswana

Botswana church leaders have spoken out against the Appeal Court's decision to uphold the death sentence imposed on South African Marietta Sonjaleen Bosch.Continua

18/02/01 Saudi Arabia

A Saudi man was executed

15/02/01 Florida/USA

Fla. Court Overturns '82 Conviction.Continua

14/02/01 Belgium

The Communioty of Sant�Egidio has  organized a conference on death penalty, in collaboration with Amnesty International in Lieges

13/02/01 Italy

Italian President Ciampi declares that Italy will support � by means of any diplomatic way - every iniziative asking for a moratorium of the death penalty, in the view of a total abolition everywhere in the world.Continua

12/02/01 Virginia/USA

Earl Washington Jr. was freed from prison after a DNA test.Continua

12/02/01 Oklahoma/USA

Oklahoma Bomber Wants Televised Execution.Continua

11/02/01 Iran

Ali Goudarzi hamged on the public square

11/02/01 Oklahoma/USA

McVeigh Wants Execution Broadcast.Continua
10/02/01 Virginia/USA

The Virginia legislature's efforts to reform the state's capital punishment system are turning into a real disappointment.Continua
10/02/01 Oklahoma/USA

IA Proud and Unwavering Believer in the Death Penalty.Continua
10/02/01 Texas/USA


Corriere della Sera reports on death penalty, after the execution of Adolph Hernandez, 50 years old..Continua

09/02/01 USA

Bush's New Head of Faith-Based Initiatives Opposes the Death Penalty.Continua
09/02/01 Virginia/USA

Va. Bill on New Evidence Too Limited, Foes Say Continua
08/02/01 Texas/USA


Adolph Hernandez, 50, was executed.Continua
08/02/01 China


The Chinese authorities have executed 7 people found guilty of involvement in China's biggest banknote.Continua

08/02/01 UN


UN Rights Chief Urges U.S. Action on Profiling. Continua
08/02/01 Texas/USA


Catholic bishops oppose death penalty for escapees.Continua

08/02/01 Texas/USA


Gov. Rick Perry designated DNA testing legislation an "emergency" Thursday and urged lawmakers to consider passing it immediately.

Moratorium legislation proposed..Continua

07/02/01 Guinea Conacry


The government in the west African state of Guinea has carried out its 1st executions since President Lansana Conte came to power in 1984.Continua

07/02/01 Texas/USA


Texas Court of Criminal Appeals ruled that a man sentenced to death in the murder of his stepdaughter had an ineffective lawyer.Continua

07/02/01 MIssouri/USA


Stanley Lingar was executed.Continua

06/02/01 Iran


The opponents to the regime say that already  34 people (31 men, 3 women) were executed this year.Continua

03/02/01 USA


Even Staunch Conservatives Rethink Executions (Washington Post, 02/03/01).Continua

01/02/01 USA


Feingold launches bill To halt Federal Death Penalty.Continua

01/02/01 Texas/USA


Dead Wrong: an innocent man on death row.Continua

01/02/01 Maryland/USA


Lawmakers Call for Execution Moratorium.Continua

01/02/01 Saudi Arabia


2 Indian men executed.Continua