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January 13 2015

From Albania, a message of living together between religions

Demonstrations of the religious communities in Scutari and Elbasan in solidarity with the march in Paris. Preparing the Prayer for Peace of Tirana 2015

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Elbasan per la pace -Sant'EgidioLiving together and dialogue between the different religions in Albania is now a reality that may be a message of peace and unity for the whole of Europe. It is significant that in Paris, together with the Albanian president, an interreligious delegation from Tirana wanted to be present at the joint demonstration around France, hit by the serious terrorist attacks. The two bishops, Catholic and Orthodox, marched along with the Grand Islamic Mufti and the Grand Dede Bektashi, all holding hands, demonstrating that it is possible to be together, even if we are different regarding our religious beliefs. (photo below)

le quattro religioni albanesi a Parigi contro il terrorismoThe Community of Sant'Egidio in Albania is fully inserted in this climate of multi-religious coexistence and, in the cities where it is present, it works with the various religious communities to promote the culture of dialogue and peace. This has been the case in Scutari and Elbasan, in the days following the terrorist attacks in France.

On Thursday 8 January in Scutari, several hundred people took part in the march "The living together between religions builds the future", promoted by the Community of Sant'Egidio with the Archdiocese of Shkoder-Pult and the Justice and Peace Commission of Albania.

Elbasan per la pace con Sant'EgidioThe next day there were more than a thousand in Elbasan, of all Christian denominations and of the Islamic communities in the demonstration "Fraternity: the foundation and the path to peace".

In both events a moment of silence was observed in memory of the victims of the terrible attack in Paris.

On this occasion, the youth of the Community of Sant'Egidio invited everyone to participate in the International Meeting of Prayer for Peace to be held in Tirana in September 2015.Scutari per la pace con Sant'Egidio

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