Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Year 2 - Number 3 - 02/02/2002




In Assisi we prayed for peace. Some could say: which are the effects of this gathering together, one next to the other, to invoke peace? I do not think we can measure the �weak strength� of prayer in this way. Prayer opens our own heart to peace, while we ask peace to the One who can direct the hearts of men and women and who can disarm them from violence and hatred.

The work of the Community of Sant�Egidio continues in many parts of the world with a hope for peace. This newsletter informs us about this work. It is the work in Africa from the tragic humanitarian emergency in Goma, the continuing and stable commitment for international foster care, it is the work to treat AIDS in Mozambique. But it is also the work the Community runs with the poorest people of the cities where it lives.

The prayer of Assisi ended with the reading of a number of commitments by the religious leaders. The first was read by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I who said: � to build we must love our neighbour, observing the golden rule: do to others what you would like others to do to you. Steadfast in this conviction we will never cease to work in the great building site of peace�. This is also our commitment.



01/31/02 - Rome - Liturgy in Memory of Modesta

01/30/02 - Rome - The Parliament Candidates the Community of Sant'Egidio to the Nobel Prize for Peace.

01/30/02 - Goma (Democratic Republic of Congo) - Aid to the Population Struck by the Eruption of the Volcano.

01/30/02 - The Tablet - The Answers to the Objections to AIDS Treatment

01/30/02 - Paris (France) - Andrea Riccardi Participates in the Celebration in Honour of the Great Rabbi Ren� Samuel Sirat

01/30/02 - Livorno (Italy) - "I Need You", Demonstration of the Elderly for the Foreigners' Integration

01/30/02 - The Guardian - Tanzania "Church organisation calls for a better world"

01/30/02 - Catalunya Cristiana "Africa, herida por el Sida"

01/29/02 - Abidjan (Ivory Coast) - "Grand merci, Sant'Egidio" : so write the Children who have been Long Distance Adopted

01/28/02 - Milano - Memory of the Jews' Deportation

01/28/02 - Rome - Presentation of the Book: "Isl�m from A to Z"

01/28/02 - Matola (Mozambique) - Twenty-one Prisoners have been freed from the Prison of Matola.

01/25/02 - Avvenire: Ulster, how the Days of Rage ended

01/25/02 - Lom� (Togo) - After the Chicken, the Rabbits: the Farming supported by the Community grows

01/23/02 - Day of Prayer for Peace in the World in Assisi

01/21/02 - Rome - The Japanese Government grants aid to the Albanian Schools



Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

01/29/02 - Florida/USA - Supreme Court overturned the death sentence to Spanish man Julio Mora, 75 years old

01/28/02 - Florida/USA - Supreme Court suspends execution of Amos King

01/28/02 - Virginia/USA - Va. Death Row Inmate May Get Retrial

01/26/02 - Nigeria - Hafsatu Abubakar, 18, was acquitted and released

01/25/02 - Iran - Saved just bifore the execution: the victim family forgives him, when rope is already on his neck

01/24/02 - Cuba - De Facto Moratorium on Executions in Cuba is a success. Now The Commission on Human Rights and Reconciliation wants the commutatipons for the 50 inmates on death row

01/23/02 - Turkey - Prime Minister Yilmaz: Turkey Sees End to Death Penalty

01/21/02 - Japan - Some of the 98 abolitionist parliamentarians protest against the Ministerof Justice

Other issues

01/31/02 - California/USA - California Inmate Executed Despite Trial Lawyer's Record of Ineffectiveness

01/31/02 - Pennsylvania/USA - Young Italo-American woman could get death sentence

01/31/02 - Thailand - Five Nigerians Executed in Thailand for Drug Offences

01/31/02 - Nigeria - Death By Stoning: the case of Safyia on the New York Times

01/31/02 - Florida/USA - Freed man relishes his 2nd chance

01/31/02 - Florida/USA - Joaquin Martinez, who was freed last year, after 4 yeras spent on death row, will visit soon his ex-cell-freinds

01/31/02 - USA - Death Songs Vs. Death Penalty: The Pine Valley Cosmonauts sing against death penalty in Illinois and in the world

01/31/02 - France - Charles Pasqua, Former Interior minister, minister announces candidacy for president and asks for reintroduction of capital punishmen

01/31/02 - Oklahoma/USA - John Joseph Romano, 43, was executed

01/31/02 - USA - Time for change in death penalty (Indianapolis Star)

01/31/02 - Nigeria - Mgr. John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan, Archbishop of Abuja and President of Catholic Episcopal Conference, inivtes Christians and Muslims to dialogue and reiterates the appeal to save Safiya

01/30/02 - Colorado/USA - Colorado death penalty misguided

01/30/02 - California/USA - Stephen Wayne Anderson, 48, who became famous as a writer, was executed

01/30/02 - Concil of Europe - Draft Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights concerning the abolition of the death penalty in all circumstances

01/30/02 - USA - Supreme Court more and more often is called to examine capital cases. How to end quibbling about capital punishment

01/30/02 - Maryland/USA - Draft Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights concerning the abolition of the death penalty in all circumstances

01/29/02 - China - 16 people executed after a non-authorized meeting

01/29/02 - European Union - Pat Cox, new Presidente of European Parliament, talks about the new commitments of the Union for the abolition of death penalty in the world, too

01/29/02 - Georgia/USA - Ronald Spivey, 62, was executed

01/28/02 - Nigeria - African newspaper talk about the case of Safiya

01/28/02 - Iran - 4 men were hanged

01/28/02 - USA - Jesse Jackson again on death penalty and abolition

01/26/02 - USA - Equal justice and the death sentence (Denver Post)

01/25/02 - Great Britain/USA - UK would oppose death penalty

01/25/02 - USA - Improve defense in death penalty cases

01/24/02 - USA - Death Penalty Flunks Fairness Test

01/24/02 - USA - Feingold Gauging Presidential Support

01/23/02 - Florida/USA - Frank Valdes, inmate on death row, was beaten to death by the guards, medical examiner says

01/23/02 - Nigeria - Federal Government Chides EU Over Safiya

01/21/02 - France - 200 years ago Victor Hugo was born. He can be considered as the �pioneer� of the struggle against capital punishment

01/21/02 - USA - Amnesty International Report Condemns 25 Years of�Executions in the U.S

01/19/02 - Nigeria - �Thank you for your support, now I am waiting for justice�, Safyia says

01/19/02 - Texas/USA - Messo a morte Jermarr Arnold, 43 anni



february 3, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time

february 4, Monday: Memory of the Poor

february 5, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

february 6, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

february 7, Thursday: Memory of the Church
February 7, 1968: memory of the beginning of the Community of Sant'Egidio. A group of students of a Roman high school started gathering around the Gospel and the love for the poor. Thanksgiving to the Lord for the gift of the Community.

february 8, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

february 9, Saturday: Sunday Vigil

february 10, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Fifth Sunday of Ordinary time Memory of Saint Scholastic (circa 480-547), the sister of Saint Benedict. With her we remember woman hermits and nuns, and all women who follow the Lord.

february 11, Monday: Memory of the Poor

february 12, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

february 13, Wednesday: Memory of the Church
Ash Wednesday

february 14, Thursday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius, fathers of the Slavic Church.

february 15, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

february 16, Saturday: Sunday Vigil
Memory of Onesimus, slave of Philemon, but brother in faith of the apostle Paul






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February 7th 2002

Comunit� di Sant'Egidio: 34th Anniversary



International Foster Care

Helping children to have a future



Goma (R.D. Congo)

Relief for people struck by volcano eruption



World Day of Prayer for Peace in the world

Assisi - 24th January



International Press Review

on the Program
of AIDS prevention
and therapy in Mozambique



Remembering Modesta

and all people
living and dying on the road
Liturgy in St. Maria in Trastevere



Relief for the Afghan Refugees

An aid program promoted by Peace People and The Rainbow Country



The Supreme Court aquits

the spanish Julio Mora, 75 years of age



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New on the Web site


- An hospital for Africa




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