Participation is free and open to all. To participate in the conferences one must register by sending an email to: [email protected]
HOW TO FOLLOW EVENTS VIA WEB (live broadcasts program)
VIDEO: The videos of the most important events, grand opening, closing ceremony and some panels, will be broadcast live. Some will only be in their original language, others will be transmitted in multiple languages. To choose the language at the time of the broadcast, just click on the flag of your chosen available language. The video can be enlarged to full screen by clicking on the icon in the lower right. Live web broadcasts and all
the video tapes of the event will be accessible both from the website, and from the Youtube channel of the Community of Sant'Egidio.
At the end of live events the recorded videos will be available, after a short time necessary for the publication. The list of videos available will be published in the "All videos" box, also accessible from the bar below the screen, in addition to the Youtube channel. The videos are arranged according the dates. So you can choose, depending on the program, which video to watch.
TEXT, SPEAKERS' BIOGRAPHIES, PHOTOS: On the site are also available texts, descriptions of places, the biographies of the speakers and photo galleries related to the events. To access these informations simply select on the program the tab of the day you are interested in.
By clicking on any event, the related page will show, containing any related video, map of the place, and as soon as available the texts of the speakers, biographies, photo galleries.
SOCIAL NETWORKS: The twitter bar features live news and updates to the site during the meeting. The page on FACEBOOK will report the event through photos submitted by participants. Please send us your "Peace Picture"!
Peace Meeting Antwerpen 2014