Comunità  di S.Egidio

NO to the Death Penalty 
 International Campaign

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The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

Abolitions, commuttions, moratoria, ... 


Other issues


March 2002

31/03/02   China
Former president of Chinese state company sentenced to death on charges of embezzling $ 9 million.

31/03/02   France
French rights groups protest death penalty against Moussaoui.

31/03/02   Swiss/UN
Swiss Minister for Foreign Affairs, Joseph Deiss, launched an appeal for world abolition of death penalty, during his speech at UN Human Rights Commission.

30/03/02   Uganda
2 Ugandans Executed for Killing Irish Priest.

30/03/02   Japan
Should courts always spare minors the death penalty? Japanese newspapers debate, after a famous case.

30/03/02   Usa
Ashcroft to Decide Soon whether to seek the death penalty against Zacarias Moussaoui, the French citizen who is convicted of conspiring in the Sept. 11 attacks.

28/03/02   Nigeria
Again Federal and Northern authorities argue because of  death penalty and sharia.

28/03/02   Nigeria
Amina Lawal: another woman sentenced to death by stoning, like Safiya, on the day of her acquittal.

28/03/02   Taiwan
The Judicial Reform Foundation presented an appela to the Minister of Justice in favour of a death row inmate.

28/03/02   Nigeria
Sharia Appeal Court Frees Safiya: Newspapers in Nigeria report.

27/03/02   USA
US Says Death Penalty No Block to EU-US Extradition.

25/03/02   Nigeria
Safiya is alive. - Press release of the Community of Sant'Egidio

25/03/02   Nigeria

25/03/02   Nigeria
Nigeria court to rule on stoning (BBC before the Court sentence).

25/03/02   Nigeria
Catholic Archbishop of Lagos Okogie Warns Against Killing Safiya.

25/03/02   Singapore
A German woman charged with drug trafficking could be sentenced to death.

25/03/02   USA
San Antonio, (Texas), Archbishop Patrick J. Flores warns those Catholics who support capital punishment: they in direct opposition to the teachings of their Church.

24/03/02   USA
Chicago Cardinal Francis George terms death penalty 'immoral'.

24/03/02   Vietnam
Prime Minister Phan Van Khai doesn�t like firing squad and wants to find other means of execution.

23/03/02   Texas/USA
The execution of Rodolfo Hernandez (rthe man who had asked an artificial leg) was stayed just some minutes before the time scheduled.

23/03/02   Nigeria
130 World Women Parliamentarians Call for Amnesty for Safiya Husseini.

23/03/02    European Union/Nigeria
Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Piqu�, speaking for European Union, presented an appeal in favour of Safiya, during his intervention at UN Human Rights Commission at Geneva.

23/03/02   China
Eight executions in one day in Bejing.

22/03/02   Nigeria
Sharia architect defends law Penalties can include amputation, flogging and stoning.

22/03/02   Nigeria
"Sharia is Unconstitutional", says Justice Minister (we report the full text of the letter entitled, "Prohibition of discriminatory punishments"). Will Safiya's life be spared.

22/03/02   Italy/NIgeria
Italy Daily reports an interview with Mario Marazziti, of the Sant�Egidio Community, about the case of Safiya.

22/03/02   France/USA
Paris Warns U.S. Against Moussaoui Death Penalty.

22/03/02   Texas/USA
The Court of Criminal Appeals refused to order a new punishment hearing for Victor Salda�o, an Argentine man, who was sentenced to deaht "because he is hispanic".

21/03/02   Turkey
Vice Prime Minister Yilmaz says that his Government by December will decide about the abolition of death penalty.

21/03/02   Florida/USA
Another Briton facing death penalty in US.

21/03/02   Iraq
Iraq Dissidents Say that 6 Officers were executed.

20/03/02   Nigeria
The New York Times and Le Monde: Safiya will wait another week to know her destiny.

20/03/02   Nigeria
African newspapers report the news regarding the postponement of appeal for Safiya�s sentence.

20/03/02   European Union/Nigeria
The 15 Prime Ministers of EU, at the end of their meeting in Barcelona concerned and �on the alert� about Safiya�s life.

20/03/02   Tennesee/USA
Abu-Ali Abdur'Rahman has chosen to be electrocuted, rather than die by lethal injection, if his execution proceeds as scheduled on April 10.

19/03/02   Philippines
Anti-crime activists have raised the alarm over the possible repeal of the country's death penalty law. The Catholic Church and Manila Cardinal Sin came out in full support of the Senate move to amend the death penalty law: �the death penalty has not deterred the rampant criminality in the country.�.

19/03/02   Oklahoma/USA
An appeals court in Denver overturned the murder conviction of James T. Fischer, a death-row inmate, because judges concluded his lawyer was "grossly inept and sabotaged his client's defense�.

18/03/02   Nigeria
The appeal of Safiya was postponed to march 25th.

18/03/02   Texas/USA
A jury spared the life of Andrea Yates, sentencing the mentally ill Houston mother to life in prison for drowning her 5 children in their bathtub.

18/03/02   Virginia/USA
James Earl Patterson, 35, was executed by lethal injection.

17/03/02   Italy/Nigeria
New appeal of the Community of Sant'Egidio for Safiya.

17/03/02   Georgia/USA
The great defender Clive Stafford Smith: "Death row will be abolished".

16/03/02   Texas/USA
A Texas jury found Andrea Yates guilty of capital murder in the drowning deaths of her five young children last summer.

16/03/02   Russia
Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken out strongly against lifting the presidential moratorium on the death penalty.

15/03/02   Georgia/USA - Great Britain
Time runs out for Briton on death row Unprecedented appeal - and UK efforts - fail to win clemency.

15/03/02   Georgia/USA
Tracy Housel, 43, British, was executed.

15/03/02   Illinois/USA
Death Penalty Foes See Progress in Ill.Governor's Pledge to Review All Cases Called Latest Sign of Shifting Sentiment. (Washington Post).

14/03/02   USA
Facing Life on the Outside After Death Row: Juan Roberto Melendez is at home.

14/03/02   Georgia/USA
An International Coalition of Death Penalty Opponents ask to stop the xecution of Tracy Housel.

14/03/02   China
China expands use of lethal injection.

13/03/02   Nigeria
Mgr. Olubunmi Okogie, the Catholic Archbishop of the Lagos Archdiocese, has voluntarily offered to die in place of Safiya.

12/03/02   Illinois/USA
�Time to bury death penalty�. The words of Ryan, at the end  of his career of governor.

11/03/02    Nigeria/European Union
In an appeal on the eve of  International Women's Day, Council of Europe Secretary-General Walter Schwimmer urged Nigeria not to allow the stoning to death of Safiya.

11/03/02    Georgia/USA
'This place is absolute hell'�, said Tracy Housel, the British citizen whose execution is scheduled in some says. 

10/03/02    Texas/USA
Texas Executes Man Who Claimed Innocence to the End. 

09/03/02    Italy/Nigeria
Appeal of the Community of Sant'Egidio for Safiya. 

08/03/02    Illinois/USA
Ryan Weighs Clemency for All on Illinois Death Row.

08/03/02    Russia/USA
Russians reply to Americans as to human rigth: start yourself to abolish death penalty.

08/03/02    Texas/USA
The trial of Andrea Yates has revived the debate about mental illness and capital punishment.

07/03/02    Missouri/USA
Jeffrey Tokar, 37, was executed.

07/03/02    Taipei
The death penalty must be killed. Abolitionists speak out in Taipei.

07/03/02    USA
Scalia vs. pope on death penalty.

06/03/02    Virginia/USA
Daniel gives up appeals. Execution date set for April 12.

06/03/02    Turkey
By the end of year 2002 Turkey will enter EU, if death penalty is abolished.

06/03/02    Georgia/USA - Great Britain
The British government has plunged into a campaign to spare the life of Tracy Lee Housel, a dual American-British citizen scheduled to be executed next month.

06/03/02    Philippines
Former President Estrada said he is ready to accept death sentence.

06/03/02    Brunei
It will be easier to hang drug offenders.

05/03/02    Turkey
Ankara twists and turns over question of abolishing death penalty.

05/03/02    USA
Life in prison, not execution.Death penalty for mentally retarded killers should be declared cruel and unusual.

05/03/02    China
Two men were executed in Beijing.

05/03/02    USA
The latest edition of NAACP Report :: �Death Row USA," Winter 2002�. The imates on death row now are 3,711, Reversing a trend of increasing death row populations since 1976.

05/03/02    Florida/USA
The killers of a killer (the case of Frank Valdes).

05/03/02    USA
Why the supreme court may reverse itself this term, to hold, in a new case, that executing the mentally retarded is unconstitutional.

04/03/02    Guatemala
Six men sentenced to death write to the Pope and ask for his intervention.

04/03/02  Turkey
Today the decision on the case of Ocalan.

04/03/02  Singapore
2 Thais get death penalty for  of drug pusher.

04/03/02 USA
The Death Penalty Re-examined - America's death penalty system is badly broken (New York Times).

04/03/02  Texas/USA
Rick Halperin, president of the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, spoke to the students: "This struggle is much bigger than just the death penalty, (�)You can't have a better society when you believe that certain people need to be exterminated.".

04/03/02  Colorado/USA
�Frank Rodriguez (who has a very serious liver disease) will not be executed�, says the lawyer .

04/03/02  Ohio/USA
State prison officials plan to dismantle Ohio's electric chair.

04/03/02  California/USA
America, Incarcerated or Executed; Death penalty thrives in climate of fear (San Francisco Chronicle).

03/03/02  USA
Supreme Court weighs state's right to execute mentally.

03/03/02   Illinois/USA
Candidate for Illinois Governor On Ending the Death Penalty.

03/03/02   USA
Death penalty - Put questionable system under moratorium.

02/03/02   Texas/USA
Monty Delk, 35, was executed despite insanity claim.

02/03/02   Italy
�Right to life and death penalty�, is the title of a conference organized by the University of Naples.

01/03/02   Florida/USA
 Valdes' family: We'll sue state to seek justice.

01/03/02   USA
February was �the month of doubt�: stays, commutations, debates, etc. The system is broken ....