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February 15 2007

Guinea Bissau - Reportage from Catiò: A visit to the children being Sponsored from Afar

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March 18 2015

Long-distance adoptions: the centre for children and war refugees in eastern Ukraine is reopened

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December 8 2014

Signing of the understanding agreement between the Government of Malawi and the Community of Sant'Egidio to implement BRAVO! in the country

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October 31 2014

Sant'Egidio in Ivory Coast gives health education to prevent the spread of Ebola

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October 29 2014

Peace is made with long-distance adoptions in the Donetsk region, the Ukraine that suffers from war

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September 25 2014

All to school! At the beginning of the school year a wish to the children of the long distance adoption programme

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January 12 2014

Four years after the earthquake in Haiti, with the children of the Sant'Egidio family home

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all the news
November 11 2014

La comunitat de Sant Egidi comença a recollir joguines

July 1 2014
L'Osservatore Romano

Risposte da dare

May 24 2014
Il Piccolo

Comunità di Sant'Egidio 25 anni di impegno in aiuto ai più deboli

February 19 2014

Fuori dall'ombra con Sant'Egidio

January 5 2014

Ecco chi resiste alla fuga dalle scuole

December 18 2013
Corriere della Sera

Buonissimo Natale a tutti quanti

the entire press review
Comunità di Sant'Egidio

La mensa per i poveri di Via Dandolo

Saluto del Presidente Mario Monti

Bambini e ragazzi di origine straniera per una legge sulla cittadinanza nell’interesse del Paese

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