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July 25 2001

Albania and Kosovo - A summer of solidarity: The Peace Schools

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As done in the past years the Community is running peace shools in Albania and Kosovo. There are about 1000 children attending them at Tirana and Lezha (in northern Albania) and more than 200 at Dragash and Prizren (in Kosovo). The educational activities will continue throughout August thanks to the presence of over 200 people from the Community coming from all over Europe.

January 27 2016

Interreligious Dialogue: The Tool for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation - The Albanian Case

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September 5 2015

Marco Impagliazzo: Sant’Egidio brings the Spirit of Assisi to Albania by saying #PeaceIsPossible

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August 24 2015

Major religions will meet in Tirana to launch a strong appeal: peace is always possible #peaceispossible

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July 3 2015

Peace and dialogue between religions: in Milan we talk about Albania, an example of interreligious living together in Europe

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January 13 2015

From Albania, a message of living together between religions

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September 23 2014

Pope Francis in Albania: greeted also by the friends of the family home of Sant'Egidio

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all the news
June 3 2016
Sette: Magazine del Corriere della Sera

Il Gandhi dei Balcani

May 17 2016
La Nazione

Il 'ponte solidale' degli studenti dalla Toscana a Tirana

September 20 2015
La Repubblica - Ed. Genova

Tirana, la "casa dei pazzi" voluta dal regime. La storia dei genovesi che chiusero il lager

September 6 2015
Koha Jone

“Lutja e Paqes 2015” në shtator mbledh në Tiranë liderët fetarë

September 6 2015
Gazeta Shqip

Takimi për Paqen, 4 mijë të ftuar, Klosi: Organizimi më i madh ndërkombëtar në vend

September 6 2015

Tiranë, komunitetet fetare apel: “Paqja është gjithmonë e mundur”

the entire press review
Matteo Zuppi

Dieci anni della Comunità di Sant’Egidio con l’Albania: Intervento di Don Matteo Zuppi

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