Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Anno 1 - Numero 7 - 12/22/2001




We are about to celebrate Christmas. Our cities are shining with lights. Why celebrating? Christmas brings good news of joy. As we read in the Gospel: �Do not be afraid. Look I bring you news of great joy , a joy to be shared with the whole people: Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you : He is Christ the Lord.. .And here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger� (Luke: 2. 10-12).

Though the present time may appear more difficult and despite the many problems we face, we are invited not to be afraid. We are invited to receive with joy the proclamation of Jesus� birth. The angel indicates a sign: a child and a manger. The Christian devotion has reflected upon this �child God�, upon his weakness and frailty. The Crib, which Francis of Assisi first realised in Greccio with living people and animals, represents one of the most beautiful expressions of this weak and child God, who lives among men and women.

Christmas brings the image of the lunch with our poorer friends in the great Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere in Rome as well as in many other places of the world. Many people know this Christmas image of Santa Maria, shining with its mosaics, full of people in need. This image is, in some way, our Crib. Jesus in Matthew�s Gospel (25, 35) says: I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome��. He himself identifies with the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the homeless� This year, at Christmas we also celebrate the twentieth Christmas lunch in the Basilica of Santa Maria. This is a joyful event which is repeated every year and in so many parts of the world. But most of all, it is the story of the friendship and solidarity with the poor which has expanded, keeping its family style. Thus, Christmas becomes a family celebration for those who have never the chance to celebrate in their lives.

The first wish of this Christmas is addressed to those who will gather in Santa Maria in Trastevere. This wish extends also to all those who look with sympathy at the Community. It is a wish of peace for everyone, accompanied by the hope that peace may grow in our hearts and among the peoples. May the peace announced by the angels to the shepherds come: �Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace for those he favours� (Luke: 2, 14) !



12/20/01 - Bruxelles (Belgium) - Interreligious Meeting "The Peace of god in the World"

12/20/01 - Lezhe (Albania) - A Letter of Thanks from the Department of Public Health

12/20/01 - Rome - Press Conference for the Presentation of the "Michelin Guide of the Poor"

12/20/01 - "I Need You": everywhere in Italy the Manifestation of the Elderly asking for more Integration of the Foreigners.

12/19/01 - Barcellona (Spain) - Presentation of the Book "No matar�s".

12/18/01 - Rome - Visit of the President of Romania to Sant'Egidio

12/15/01 - Genova - "I need You": the Elderly demonstrate for New Norms for the Integration of the Immigrants

12/12/01 - A Day of Fasting in a Spirit of Prayer for Peace in the World and for Spiritual Friendship among Believers

12/10/01 - Rome - Presentation of the Program of AIDS Treatment in Mozambique

12/10/01 - Lezha (Albania) - 20 Hospital Beds heve been given to the Maternity Ward of the Hospital

12/10/01 - Rome - Exhibition Market: Buying a Gift Helps Preparing the Christmas Lunch for the Poor.

12/10/01 - Chibuto (Mozambique) - In the Village of Sant'Egidio many People's Dream of a Brick House comes True.



Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

12/20/01 - Philadelphia/USA - A hope for Mumia: judge overturns death sentence

12/19/01 - North Carolina/USA - New law permitted to commute a death sentence for mentally ill

12/17/01 - Maryland/USA - Maryland's highest court upheld the state's death penalty law, pleading �Gov. to impose a moratorium on executions

12/17/01 - Illinois/USA - Chicago Death Row Case Reopened

12/15/01 - Pakistan - Young offenders taken off death row

12/15/01 - Texas/USA - Female death sentence overturned.Appeals court overturns woman's death verdict, orders new trial

Other issues

12/20/01 - Italy - Nigerian Ambassador confirms that Federal Government will try to avoid the execution of Safiya

12/20/01 - USA - Criminalizing the Mentally Ill (The Washington Post)

12/20/01 - Nigeria - The stones against the woman: Italian newspapaer La Repubblica about the right to And the case of Safiya�

12/20/01 - Nigeria - No Alternative to Death Penalty for Safiya, says L. Adegbite, Secretary General of the Nigeria Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs (NSCIA)

12/20/01 - Nigeria - According to the spokesman of Nigerian Government the death sentence of Safya will be overturned because she divorced and therefore she is not an adulteress. In the meanwhile Italian Parliament and Government officially ask for clemency for her

12/20/01 - USA - Giuliani wants the death penalty for the �American Taleban��

12/19/01 - Italy - Several Italian Parliamentarians back the petition of the Community of Sant�Egidio for Safya�

12/18/01 - Italy - More than twenty Italian Senators back the appeal of the Community of Sant'Egidio for Safiya - 27/11/01

12/17/01 - Illinois/USA - Will Ryan reject death penalty for terrorists?

12/17/01 - European Union - European Parliament against extradition to the U.S., for people charged with terrorism

12/17/01 - USA - A Report on Capital Punishment Statistics

12/17/01 - Nigeria - Safya disappeared, says Italian Vice Minister

12/15/01 - Texas/USA - Texas Conducts Last Execution Slated for 2001. Vincent Cooks, 37, was executed

12/15/01 - Ghana - On the newspapers the debate about the abolition

12/15/01 - USA - Ashcroft on Death Penalty

12/15/01 - France - France demands the United States to spare a French citizen from a possible death

12/14/01 - Virginia/USA - Virginia Commission Finds Death Penalty Applied Inconsistently

12/14/01 - USA - French national faces federal death penalty

12/14/01 - Italy - Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera relaunches the appeal for Safyia

12/14/01 - Georgia/USA - Byron Ashley Parker was executed

12/14/01 - USA - Amnesty International asks Bush for a moratorium of death penalty, on occasion of the human rights week�

12/14/01 - Russia - Several human rights organisations ask Putin to abolish death penalty

12/13/01 - USA - Poll shows Catholics evenly split on death penalty issue

12/13/01 - USA - Statistics of inmates on death row in US

12/13/01 - Nigeria - Safiya Must Not Die, (One world South Asia)�

12/13/01 - USA - U.S. debates about the drop of executions

12/13/01 - Great Britain - Britain could face dilemma over bin Laden death penalty

12/13/01 - Italy - Italian newspaper Manifesto supports the campaign of the Community of Sant�Egidio to save Safiya

12/12/01 - Nigeria - El Pais backs the appeal presented by the Community of Sant�Egidio for Safiya

12/12/01 - USA - The Moratorium Gambit (New York Times)

12/12/01 - Italy - Barnabei Foundation to adopt two juvenile inmates on death row and to defend Safiya

12/09/01 - Campaign moratorium - Mgr. Guillory, Bishop of Beaumont (the diocese where also Huntsville is), and other 2 American bishops join and support our campaign for a moratorium

12/09/01 - Nigeria - Safiyatu says her daughter was the result of rape (BBC)

12/09/01 - Texas/USA - The Yates Trial Update�

12/09/01 - USA - Death Penalty and Race: Partners in Injustice

12/08/01 - Texas/USA - On Social Justice: Revisiting 'Penry'�

12/08/01 - Oklahoma/USA - Lois Nadean Smith, 61, was executed

12/08/01 - Alabama/USA - Alabama Death Row Inmate's Conviction Overturned

12/08/01 - France - Mumia Abu Jamal Named Honorary Parisian



december 23, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Fourth Sunday of Advent

december 24, Monday: Nighttime Mass

december 25, Tuesday: The Nativity of the Lord

december 26, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Memory of Saint Stephen, deacon and protomartyr.

december 27, Thursday: Memory of the apostles
Memory of Saint John, apostle and evangelist, �the disciple whom Jesus loved,� and who, under the cross, took Mary to himself as his mother.

december 28, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified
Memory of the Holy Innocents. Prayer for all those who have died as victims of violence, from the mother�s breast to old age.

december 29, Saturday: Sunday Vigil
Memory of the prophet David. Several psalms are attributed to him. For centuries the psalms have nourished the prayer of both Jews and Christians. Memory of Saint Thomas Becket, defender of the justice and the dignity of the Church.

december 30, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Sunday of the Holy Family. Memory of Laurindo, a young Mozambican who died because of the war; with him we also remember Madora and all of the young people killed by war and by human violence.

december 31, Monday: Memory of the Church
Thanksgiving to the Lord for the past year.

january 1, Tuesday: Feast of Mary, Mother of God
Feast of the Mother of God and prayer for peace in the world and the end of every war.

january 2, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Memory of Saint Basil the Great (330-379), bishop of Caesarea and father of Eastern monasticism, and of Saint Gregory of Nazianzus (330-389) doctor of the Church and Patriarch of Constantinople.

january 3, Thursday: Memory of the Church

january 4, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

january 5, Saturday: Sunday Vigil






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Combatting AIDS
in Mozambique

Program of AIDS prevention and therapy in Africa



The Word of God
every day

a book for personal prayer



"I need You"

Elderly people in favour of integration of immigrants



Peace People:

Iftar and Aid El Fitr





Safiya Hussaini

continuing the effort for saving her life



"Where to Eat, to Sleep, to Wash"

Presentation of the 2001 guidebook for homeless




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