Comunità  di S.Egidio

NO to the Death Penalty 
 International Campaign

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The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

Abolitions, commuttions, moratoria, ... 


Other issues


October 2001

31/10/01 Kenya

Community of Sant�Egidio appeals to Kenya Government for a man convicted (of theft) to death - 31/10/01 Continua
30/10/01 Indonesia

Indonesia's Megawati backs death penalty on drugs - 30/10/01 Continua
30/10/01 Russia

Parliament deputy proposes introducing death penalty for drug trafficking -  30/10/01 Continua
30/10/01 Botswana

2 men convicted to death flee from Botswana to SA -  29/10/01 Continua
30/10/01 New Mexico/USA

Amnesty asks for halt to Clark execution, juvenile -  29/10/01 Continua
28/10/01 Georgia/USA

Terry Mincey, 41, was executed -  25/10/01 Continua
26/10/01 Nigeria

Pregnant woman faces death by stoning -  25/10/01 Continua
26/10/01 Philippines

President ordered a study  the case of 7 minors  languishing on death row -  24/10/01 Continua
26/10/01 Yemen

A man was executed -  24/10/01 Continua
26/10/01 China

Zemin promised Canadian Prime Minister that Lai Changxing would not face the death penalty if extradited-  23/10/01 Continua
26/10/01 Philippines

President will not overturn commutations decided by her predecessor -  23/10/01 Continua
26/10/01 Nebraska/USA

Justice O'Connor Again Voices Concern About Innocence -  19/10/01 Continua
26/10/01 Nebraska/USA

New book: "Wrongly Convicted: Perspectives on Failed Justice" - 17/10/01 Continua
26/10/01 USA

New book: "Wrongly Convicted: Perspectives on Failed Justice" - 17/10/01 Continua
26/10/01 Maryland/USA

A death sentence that can't pass muster. No surprise: Maryland's capital system is rife with errors, insufficient cases and unfairness - 17/10/01 Continua

26/10/01 USA

Her nephew died during  Sept. 11th attack to the Twin Towers. She chooses life and keeps on being against death penalty-  17/10/01 Continua
25/10/01 Belgium

Senate backs a proposal of moratorium, according to the spirit of the campaign promoted by the Community of Sant�Egidio -  18/10/01 Continua
25/10/01 Missouri/USA

Stephen Johns was executed  -  24/10/01 Continua
25/10/01 North Carolina/USA

Judge vacated death sentence for Bobby Lee Harris, appaeared in Benetton�s anti-capital punishment campaign -  23/10/01 Continua
25/10/01 Texas/USA

Gerald Mitchell, Juvenile Offender  Executed  - 23/10/01 Continua
25/10/01 Texas/USA

Groups Oppose  Execution of Gerald Mitchell -  22/10/01 Continua
25/10/01 USA

A Penalty the People Do Not Want (Washington Post)- 21/10/01 Continua
25/10/01 Virginia - Oklahoma/USA

Christopher James Beck (VA) and Alvie James Hale (OK) were executed in Virginia- 19/10/01 Continua
23/10/01 China

On Death Row, China's Source of Transplants - 19/10/01 Continua
23/10/01 Texas/USA

Death sentence of David Allen Gardner, 44,  was transformed into life sentence 18/10/01 Continua
23/10/01 Philippines

Gloria shrugs off Church stand on death - 18/10/01 Continua
23/10/01 China

5 Uighur men sentenced to death - 18/10/01 Continua
23/10/01 Uganda

NGO Repeats Plea to Abolish Death Penalty - 17/10/01 Continua
23/10/01 Malawi

Malawi Politician risks to be sentenced to death, being charged of treason.- 17/10/01 Continua
18/10/01 Kentucky/USA

Gov. seeks ends to juvenile executions- 17/10/01 Continua
18/10/01 United Nations

Kofi Annan Wins Nobel Peace Prize, for his commitment for human rights. In Dec. he received signatures for a moratorium of death penalty - 13/10/01 Continua

18/10/01 USA

Two Death Sentences Overturned by Federal Courts: Addicted Judge in Arizona and Mentally Ill Inmate in Arkansas- 13/10/01 Continua
18/10/01 Jordan

Man executed by hanging- 12/10/01 Continua
18/10/01 European Union

Curbs urged on extraditing terrorists to US- 12/10/01 Continua
18/10/01 New Mexico/USA

Catholic Activists Ask for Commutation of  Death Sentenc for Terry Clark - 10/10/01 Continua
17/10/01 Arizona/USA

Former Judge Criticizes Death Penalty- 11/10/01 Continua
17/10/01 New York/USA

Governor seeks to expand death penalty law -  11/10/01 Continua
17/10/01 Philippines

Moratorium ends up: 2 kidnappers lined up for death needle  - 10/10/01 Continua

14/10/01 Montenegro/Yugoslavia

Montenegro warned over death penalty by Council of Europe - 12/10/01 Continua
14/10/01 North Carolina/USA

David Junior Ward, 39, was executed - 12/10/01 Continua
14/10/01 Indonesia

President wants tougher penalty, (death penalty too) for drug dealers - 11/10/01 Continua
14/10/01 Texas/USA

Gerald Micthell, Texas man set to die on Oct. 22nd  for killing as a teen - 10/10/01 Continua
14/10/01 Japan

Child killer loses death penalty appeal - 10/10/01 Continua
11/10/01 Ohio/USA

Federal judge granted John Byrd a 45 days-stay - 10/10/01 Continua
11/10/01 Missouri/USA

Judge Overturns Death Row Conviction - 10/10/01 Continua
11/10/01 France

Le Figaro celebrates the anniversary of the abolition - 10/10/01 Continua
11/10/01 Zimbabwe

Three men executed by hanging - 09/10/01 Continua
11/10/01 Tennesee/USA

Supreme Court Denies Death Penalty Appeal - 09/10/01 Continua
08/10/01 European Union

Europe Laws May Hinder Extradition to US - 07/10/01 Continua
08/10/01 USA

Report: Most on Death Row Did Not Have Fair Trial - 05/10/01 Continua
06/10/01 Georgia/USA

Georgia Court Rules Electric Chair Unconstitutional - 05/10/01 Continua
06/10/01 North Carolina/USA

North Carolina Governor Grants Clemency to Robert Bacon - 03/10/01 Continua
06/10/01 Turkey

Parliament Passes Reform of death penalty - 03/10/01 Continua
06/10/01 MIssouri/USA

Michael Roberts, 27, was executed..- 03/10/01 Continua
06/10/01 Antigua

British Privy Council  overturned the death sentencof Dominican onfesor Valdez Franco. New trial in November -  01/10/01 Continua
06/10/01 Uganda

Prisons Boss Wants Execution Privatised- 01/10/01 Continua
06/10/01 Hawai/USA

The one man on death row dies in cell.- 01/10/01 Continua
02/10/01 France

Twenty years after the abolition of deaht penalty, R. Badinter is sure: capital punishment is useless, even against terrorists - 30/09/01 Continua
02/10/01 Nigeria

Opponents Debate Nigeria Islamic Law and Death Penalty - 30/09/01 Continua
02/10/01 USA

�Supreme Court: On the Sidelines, for Now�, the Washington Post on the mentally retarded sentenced  to death- 30/09/01 Continua
02/10/01 Armenia

Debate on death penalty still open, even during Pope�s visit - 27/09/01 Continua
02/10/01 Saudi Arabia

An Afghan convicted for drugs traffic was beheaded - 26/09/01 Continua
01/10/01 USA

Executions decline in 2001 - 28/09/01 Continua
01/10/01 China

21 executions - 28/09/01 Continua