Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Year 2 - Number 1 - 01/05/2002




Christmas with the poor

Christmas, a day of celebration for everybody, can become the saddest day of the year for the people who are homeless, alone, without family relationships. Christmas due to its character of family celebration, is a day in which people who have nobody or who are far from their family feel deeper lack of warmth and love. That is why since 1982 the Community of Sant�Egidio, wherever it is, has celebrated Christmas with the people who have nobody. The Christmas lunch with the poor: homeless, old, migrants, gypsy people.

The picture of this celebration recalls the words Jesus: �Then said he also to him that bade him, When you make a dinner or a supper, call not your friends, nor your brothers, neither your kinsmen, nor your rich neighbours; lest they also bid you again, and a recompence be made to you. But when you make a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. And you shall be blessed; for they cannot recompense you.� (Lk.14: 12-14) This lunch is now at his twentieth edition in Rome, (with more than 6.000 poor people at the table and thousands of people serving) but it is becoming an important tradition also in many Italian cities and in different parts of the world. In Rome and in several other cities of the world where the Community of Sant�Egidio is present, the Christmas lunch with the poor took place. But also where there is not a Community many people wanted to celebrate a different Christmas with the poor.

Thousands of young people, adults, families made themselves available to serve and to live this different Christmas to rediscover the sense of a deep celebration. Christmas lunch with the poor took place in the churches, Basilicas, but also in institutions for old people, in prisons, in the most different places and gathered more than 60.000 people all over the world.

In Latin America: in Buenos Aires, crashed into a very hard economic and social crisis, in the church of Nuestra Se�ora de la Merced, a few blocks from Plaza de Mayo where violent clashes with the police took place, the Christmas lunch gathered at the same table poor people together with the empobrecidos, the middle class people who are now living below the threshold of poverty. In Europe the Christmas lunch with the poor was celebrated also in the cities which celebrate the Orthodox Christmas. On January the 7th in Kiev, Moscow, Bucharest, Tiblisi in Georgia, homeless people, street kids, old people could celebrate Christmas in a warm family.

Many places at any latitude. For instance in Mozambique the Christmas lunch with the poor gathers street kids, people suffering from AIDS, beggars. It takes place also in prisons, where prisoners suffer for hunger everyday. They receive special food of feast days, together with friendship and companionship of young people who become close to them. In Rwanda and in Burundi at the Christmas lunch Hutu and Tutsi sat at the same table together with many street kids, children of the genocide which tormented the whole society. But also in Asia: Indonesia, young Christians served together many poor people, mainly Muslims.
Those poor people sitting, in friendship and joy, at the same table together with many people who are not poor, are a picture of hope. This picture, together with many little signs which are spreading and spreading, help us to hope in a better future.



01/02/02 - Avvenire - Oriana, quale orgoglio?

12/29/01 - La Stampa - La Festa degli Ultimi a Principe

12/29/01 - Avvenire: Mozambique, the Commitment of Sant'Egidio to fight Hunger

12/28/01 - Il Tirreno - Di razze diverse, ma tutti a tavola

12/27/01 - Il Messaggero - Maria "nonnina" di Roma, 108 candeline e un desiderio: festeggiare anche nel 2002

12/27/01 - Main-Post - Da floss so manche Tr�ne

12/27/01 - Main-Post - Ein Festmahl f�r Ausgegrenzte

12/27/01 - Main-Post - Geist der Weihnacht interreligi�s

12/27/01 - Main-Post - Einmalig: Eine Festtafel in der Kirche

12/27/01 - Repubblica - La chiesa diventa ristorante per gli "ultimi" di Palermo

12/27/01 - Repubblica - Il Natale di chi non ha niente

12/27/01 - La Stampa - I 150 �camerieri� per i poveri

12/27/01 - Il Gazzettino - E l'imprenditore serve il pranzo al povero

12/27/01 - Repubblica - La festa degli ultimi

12/27/01 - La Nazione - Aggiungi un posto a tavola

12/27/01 - Il Mattino di Padova - Gli anziani in festa e arriva Babbo Natale

12/27/01 - Il Gazzettino - Per il piccolo Malam il regalo di Natale � la vita

12/27/01 - Il Secolo XIX - Natale a tavola con i poveri

12/26/01 - Clar�n - Un almuerzo solidario para 400 personas en una iglesia porte�a

12/25/01 - il Nuovo - Sant'Egidio, vent'anni di solidariet�

12/25/01 - il Nuovo - Maria, 108 anni, la pi� anziana di Roma

12/24/01 - La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno - C'era una volta una citt� che camminava con i paraocchi per non vedere la sofferenza ....

12/24/01 - W�rzburger Volksblatt - Und irgendwann waren wir in Deutschland

12/24/01 - Il Tirreno - Un pensiero al Mozambico

12/24/01 - Le Soir - "The Mediterranean Sea can not be New Border"

12/23/01 - Giornale di Brescia - Questo Natale, un po� di luce nella notte buia

12/23/01 - La Nazione - A pranzo con gli ultimi

12/23/01 - El Pais - Mozambique agoniza por el sida

12/23/01 - Il Secolo XIX - Il Natale della solidariet�

12/22/01 - Repubblica - Dove mangiare e dormire

12/22/01 - Il Tempo - In diecimila, poveri e invisibili

12/22/01 - Repubblica - "Roma, ottomila nuovi poveri"

12/22/01 - Il Messaggero - Aumenta la modernit�. E la povert�

12/22/01 - Il Mattino di Padova - Immigrati e anziani: �Questa legge calpesta la solidariet�

12/22/01 - Rome - The Archbishop Desmond Tutu in Santa Maria in Trastevere

12/22/01 - Repubblica - Pranzo d'autore nelle case di riposo



The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

12/24/01 - Catalogna - Mario Marazziti of �the Community of Sant�Egidio presented in Barcelona �No matar�s�, a book which explains why it is necessary to abolish death penalty

Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

01/03/02 - Uganda - Churches of Uganda ask for commutations of all death sentences

12/30/01 - Pennsylvania/USA - Racial Discrimination Results in New Trial for Philadelphia Death Row Inmate

12/30/01 - Virginia/USA - Opposed to the death penalty? If you're the victim of a capital murder, a proposed Virginia law would prohibit your killer from being executed

12/24/01 - Lebanon - President Emile Lahoud of Lebanon expressed his commitment to imposing a moratorium on executions while he is in office

12/24/01 - Kansas/USA - Kansas continues review of death penalty law

Other issues

01/03/02 - USA - Keep U.S. on path to end death penalty (Editorial, The Virginian-Pilot)

01/03/02 - Japan - Justice minister says Japan will keep death penalty

01/03/02 - Indonesia - Female gets death sentence

01/03/02 - Italy/Nigeria - Italian Foreign Minister Ruggiero committed himself to save Safya, even asking for within for E.U. intervention. In the mean while he called Nigerian Ambassador

12/31/01 - Oklahoma/USA - On death row, Christmas just another day

12/31/01 - Nigeria - Bola Ige, Justice minister who said he was against the execution of Safya, was shot to death

12/31/01 - Sudan - 4 robbers sentenced to death by hanging

12/31/01 - Oklahoma/USA - In Oklahoma this year more executions than in Texas

12/31/01 - USA - Rules on Tribunal Require Unanimity on Death Penalty

12/30/01 - South Africa - Opposition parties have urged government to let the public decide whether to reinstate capital punishment

12/30/01 - Russia - Death penalty issue in Russia on Pravda

12/30/01 - Vietnam - Death sentence confirmed to 7 drug traffickers

12/29/01 - Malaysia - 19 Malaysian Muslim Cult Found Guilty of Rebellion, could be sentenced to hang

12/29/01 - Japan - A mental patient charged with stabbing eight schoolchildren, could be sentenced to death

12/29/01 - Japan - 2 men were executed by hanging, but the Government refuses to give the names

12/28/01 - Nigeria - Judiciary 'll Decide Safiya's Case, Says Governor of Sofoto Bafarawa.�Safiya is as free as everybody, and nobody has ever arrested her"

12/28/01 - USA - No Place for Death Penalty In a Civilized Society (Daily News)

12/28/01 - Nigeria - Italian Catholic magazine �Famiglia Cristiana� joins the appeal of Sant�Egidio Community to save Safiya

12/28/01 - USA - Sacrificing the death penalty to nab suspects

12/27/01 - USA - Decision behind death penalty could be political hot potato

12/27/01 - USA - Spurned for Our Death Penalty (Los Angeles Times)

12/27/01 - Rwanda - President of Ruanda claims to journalists he is against death penalty

12/26/01 - China - Two Chinese men convicted of embezzlement have been sentenced to death for financial scams

12/26/01 - Tajikistan - Tajik,foreign lawmakers call for death penalty moratorium

12/26/01 - Pennsylvania/USA - Reasoning behind Abu-Jamal reversal

12/24/01 - European Union - Prodi asks Niogerian President to save safya�s life and encourages him to abolish death penalty

12/24/01 - United Nations - UN chief war crimes prosecutor Carla Del Ponte is against death penalty, even in extreme cases, like Bin Laden

12/24/01 - Italy - The President of Italian Districts write to the President of Nigeria for Safiya



january 6, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Epiphany of the Lord The Orthodox Church celebrates the Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan and his manifestation (epiphany) to the world.

january 7, Monday: Memory of the Poor

january 8, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

january 9, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

january 10, Thursday: Memory of the Church

january 11, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

january 12, Saturday: Sunday Vigil

january 13, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Feast of the Baptism of Jesus

january 14, Monday: Memory of the Poor

january 15, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord
Feast of the black Christ of Esquipulas, in Guatemala, venerated in all of Central America

january 16, Wednesday: Memory of the Church
For Muslims today is the feast of the pilgrimage to Mecca (�Aid-l-Kabir.)

january 17, Thursday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Memory of St. Anthony, abbot. He followed the Lord into the deserts of Egypt and is a father for many monks. The Coptic, Syrian and Byzantine Rite Christians remember his nativity today. Day of reflection on the relationship between Judaism and Christianity.

january 18, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified
Today starts the week of prayer for the unity of Christians. Special memory of the Catholic Church.

january 19, Saturday: Sunday Vigil
Prayer for the unity of the Churches. Special memory of the Orthodox Churches






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Das Wort Gottes
jeden Tag

German edition of the book for prayer



La Palabra de Dios
cada d�a

Spanish edition of the book for prayer



Combatting AIDS
in Mozambique

Program of AIDS prevention and therapy in Africa



Friends without Limits

Permission granted for the new restaurant run by the "Friends without Limits" in Trastevere (Rome)



"I need You"

Elderly people in favour of integration of immigrants



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- Negeri Pelangi




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